If the goal is to vaccinate humans against the flu, the experimental gene therapy flu injections are a dismal failure.
However, if the goal is to thin out the human herd with a depopulation bioweapon, the flu injections are a success.
The VAERS database documents more than 60,000 deaths due to the experimental gene therapy flu injections. Statistical analysis of the patterns of these deaths reveals horrifying motivations of the bioweapon rollout.
COVID-19 was a false pandemic promoted by the fake news. COVID is not a deadly flu, and it poses zero risk to a majority of the population. The false pandemic was actually a relatively harmless, common flu virus that the fake news sold to the idiot masses as a deadly new disease.
Furthermore, flu masks were never an effective method of reducing flu transmission. Educated people and critical thinkers knew this immediately.
The false pandemic was an intelligence test. If you wore the flu mask, you failed the test. Your allegiance to the covidiot cult indicates that you do whatever celebrities, politicians, and fake news talking heads tell you to do–without question. This fact makes you a dangerous person. It was your compliance with the COVID cult that put us all at risk and caused irreperable harm to society, economy, and life.
If you had bothered to question the lying evil leaders of the COVID cult, you might have learned that they were playing you for the fool that you are. These people lied to you about COVID, lied to you about the useless flu masks, lied to you about the poison flu injections, and censored and attacked factual information about safe, effective flu treatments, like Ivermectin, that would have saved many thousands of lives. The celebrities, politicians, and fake news talking heads who you listened to all engaged in criminal misconduct to cause death and ruin. Your compliance with their corrupt agenda threatened the safety of us all.
But this doesn’t mean that you should stop wearing your flu mask. You are dumb and dangerous, and the rest of society deserves to know who you are. The mask helps the rest of us know who the idiots are, so that we can avoid them. So, wear that covidiot cult mask like a scarlet letter, and take as many of those poison flu injections as you can.
"Sign City" is the Hub of the Pascack Valley, Bergen County, New Jersey, 07675.
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