January 5, 1894:
Daniel O’Mara Sr. has moved his segar factory to Etna.
Dr. Zabriskie has begun excavating for his new building.
On New Year’s Day sportsmen in the locality spent the afternoon in a shooting contest for poultry.
The Pupil’s Society, a new organization, met last night at the home of Miss Alice Bate, and enjoyed a sociable.
On Wednesday night the new officers of Westwood Council, United Friends, were inducted into their respective positions. The Grand Councillor was present. A collation followed.
Two old friends, Philip Snyder and Dan O’Mara, Jr., met a day or two ago. Friendship had ceased to exist, and the twain got into a dispute, and a fight followed. The battle, void of ring rules, was declared a draw.
Jennie Louise Munson, aged seven, a daughter of James Munson, had scarcely entered the primary department of the Westwood public school on Tuesday when her apron caught fire from a match. The other children were panic stricken and ran screaming to the door. The little girl tried to beat out the fire with her hands and screamed for help. Principal Demarest seized the child in his arms, and laying her upon the floor, rolled her over and over, beating out the flames with his hands. Before he had extinguished the fire the left side of little Jennie’s face was burned and her hair and eyebrows were singed off. Her injuries, although painful, are not serious. Principal Demarest’s hands were severely burned.
January 12, 1894:
Last Saturday A. H. Smith was kicked by a horse and laid up several days in consequence.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Reformed Church have a dime sociable at the residence of Mr. W.W. Voorhis next Monday evening.
Now that Westwood’s people have invested in a truck for fire purposes, it follows that a company must be organized in order that the apparatus and implements may be put to proper use.
Chicken thieves have not, it seems, completed their rounds. Friday night John Flearboam’s hennery was entered and all but a few fowls stolen. It is said that from Mr. Flearboam’s the thieves went to Springer’s, but he was aroused and fired a shot at the escaping chicken thieves. They had a wagon and drove northward. It is generally believed that the thieves are not strangers and live near Westwood.
January 19, 1894:
The public school was closed on Wednesday because of the illness of the principal, Mr. Demarest.
Wednesday night an effort was made to enter DeBaun’s distillery but the burglars were unsuccessful.
On Monday the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Reformed Church received and shipped a large amount of clothing for the poor in New York. This is the best kind of missionary work.
On Monday night the officers of Gabriel R. Paul Post, G.A. R. were installed. There was a large delegation of G.A. R. men present from Paterson and delegations also from other sections
The township committee met in monthly session at the Park Hotel on Tuesday night.
January 26, 1894:
The Rivervale bridge is completed.
Phil Snyder and Frip Tuers engaged in a fracas on the avenue this week. No blood spilled.
G. D. Bell and H. G. Hering went fishing on Wednesday in the Hackensack and captured 302 suckers.
No ice has as yet been cut in this section, and it looks as though there might be an ice famine hereabouts next summer.
The clothes line of John Ottignon was robbed of clothing left out over night. Lately quite a number of lines have been robbed.
Miss Ida Blauvelt, daughter of Wm. J. Blauvelt, had a narrow escape from drowning at Adam Collignon’s pond on Saturday night. Accompanied by a number of young ladies and young men as escorts, the party went to the pond which is directly back of Mr. Collignon’s factory building, and were enjoying the fine skating. A large cake of ice had been severed from the main body, and, without noticing it, Miss Blauvelt and Edward Humphrey approached it; the lady was a little in advance of her escort and she fell directly into the water as the ice gave way and Humphrey quickly followed her. Charles Collignon and Miss Blauvelt’s brother came quickly to the rescue, and dragged the half drowned young lady from the water. She was taken home, where she lies quite ill from exhaustion and fright. The lesson growing out of this accident, which came near resulting in a sad drowning case, should not be lost sight of by venturesome young ladies and gentlemen, who when they go skating in such a mild season as we have been experiencing, should make certain that the ice upon which they oftentimes risk their lives is in proper condition to bear the added weight put upon it.
February 2, 1894:
Thos. E. Brickell has been unable to store a single ton of ice this winter.
Jacob Van Buskirk, the carriage builder, has completed a fine wagon for A.H. Smith, the undertaker.
There is an epidemic of measles and mumps in Westwood. The public school has been closed in consequence.
A party of twenty young people went to Ridgewood on a “straw ride” on Wednesday night. They found the sleighing rather poor.
As the people of Westwood have invested in a truck for fire purposes, it is now proposed to form the necessary organization for its management. The object is to incorporate into a fire association, under the State law, and hold property thereunder, then organize a fire company to have charge of the apparatus. Where the truck, which is to arrive within the next thirty day, will be located is not yet decided.
February 9, 1894:
Andrew H. Smith intends erecting a tower and windmill on his property for a water supply.
Adam Collignon, proprietor of the Park Hotel, added a pool table to his hotel on Tuesday.
The public school, after being closed two weeks on account of the prevalence of measles, reopened on Monday morning.
Dr. Zabriskie’s new building has been raised and will be pushed to completion. Westwood will then have what it has needed for a long time: a drug store.
Gabriel R. Paul Post had an important meeting on Monday night. Its commander, accompanied by other comrades, are attending the State encampment at Trenton this week.
Monday was soldiers’ pension day, and the veterans flocked to the office of H. G. Hering for the necessary documents. At least forty residents in the vicinity are on the pension role.
February 16, 1894:
The bridge near James K. Bogert’s house, on the road leading to Etna, is in a dangerous condition. It should receive prompt attention.
On the railroad track Saturday night no less than three fights took place in an hour. Some bad blood was spilled. Where are the village marshals.
February 23, 1894:
Westwood now has a fire department, known as the Westwood Volunteer Fire Department, incorporated. Last Saturday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall a company was formed with twenty-five members; its name is “Continental Fire Company,” and its apparatus will arrive in March.
The younger element in the Westwood Reformed Church have formed an association known as the Young People’s Society.
The Democratic primary is called for in March at Odd Fellows’ Hall, and there is every indication of a lively time–one of those old fashioned primaries.
Thos. E. Brickell managed to fill one of his ice houses with a crop of ice ten inches thick.
Saturday night certain local sports quarrelled and fought. It was a case of too much “booze.”
March 9, 1894:
Continental Fire Co. will house its apparatus for the present in the Van Buskirk building.
A row occurred on Fourth Avenue last Saturday. Chickens and graveyards entered into the discussion between two well-known residents. It was settled by the one knocking the other down in the first round.
March 16, 1894:
Jacob Van Buskirk is putting an addition to his carriage repository. The increase in business demands the enlargement.
If there is any section of the public highway which needs immediate attention it is that part which lies between Westwood and Bell’s mill. The road is dangerous.
Joseph Engel had a warrant issued on Tuesday for the arrest of Philip Snyder. It seems that at the night of the primary Engel got noisy and Snyder knocked him down.
A heavy vote was polled in the Westwood district on Tuesday.
Because of a difference as to a political transaction Harry Humphrey, nephew of Genest Ottignon, got into a quarrel with John Cooper, a teamster. The two men fought and Humphrey managed to thrash his man on the highway.
March 23, 1894:
Early Easter morning mass will be celebrated in St. Andrew’s church.
At Lachmund’s Hall an entertainment takes place on Easter Monday night.
Continental Truck Co. will receive the apparatus on April 2. It will be housed in A.H. Smith’s barn for the present. The company’s fair opens on April 10.
March 30, 1994:
The town committee has men at work repairing damage done to highways last winter.
Collector James A. Eckerson has given notice to delinquent taxpayers that unless they settle before April lst the law will be enforced. That evidently means the arrest of all delinquents
The Knights of Honor spent Easter Monday night celebrating the event with a variety show followed by dancing. The lodge is prosperous and is offering amusement for its members and friends.
April 6, 1894:
Farmers and others owning property in the vicinity of Westwood and Eastwood complain of the frequent thefts of fence rails. The thieves take down the rails and carry them away.
As an evening train approached the Westwood station on Tuesday evening, Jacob Blakeney’s horse took fright while tied to a post. The farm hand in charge undertook to quiet the horse, but the animal reared and jumped with both feet upon the man, knocking him down and stepping upon his limbs. The man was unable to rise. His injuries, however, are not so severe as was at first supposed.
Residents who attended the special school meeting on Monday night were unanimous in the matter of changing the present mode of heating the school house. They directed the trustees to call for an appropriation for steam heating, and in the meantime receive proposals. Such a change is highly necessary.
April 13, 1894:
C.S. DeBaun has had the preliminary papers drawn for the incorporation of Westwood into a borough government.
The Old Hook Cemetery Association on Saturday elected J.D. Blauvelt, president; A. C. Holdrum, secretary; I.D. Bogert, treasurer; A. C. Holdrum, T. E. Brickell, I.D. Bogart, C. Durie and J.D. Blauvelt, directors.
Continental Truck Company has reason to congratulate itself upon the interest manifested by ladies of Westwood in its fair on Tuesday and Wednesday last. It is Westwood’s first fire company, and the cost of equipment has been no expense to the general taxpayer. The fair was opened Tuesday afternoon in Odd Fellows’ Hall; the room was neatly decorated, and an abundance of fancy and useful articles were on sale. The attendance was good and the receipts large. The new truck arrived early in the day and was placed on exhibition. It is of an improved pattern, with all the necessary attachments. The people are delighted with it, being particularly impressed with the fact that protection is now at hand in case of fire. Nothing is wanting save uniforming and drilling the men. Wednesday was a terrible day; it blowed, rained and snowed, but did not lessen the public interest in the fair, and the hall was again crowded and the ladies kept busy waiting upon patrons.
April 20, 1894:
Many impudent tramps visit Westwood. Two demanded something to eat at C.S. DeBaun’s on Tuesday, and were ordered away. The tramps wanted to whip Mr. DeBaun, but he got rid of them without injury.
Continental Fire Co. meets to-night and will consider the question of procuring necessary uniforms for the men and building a house for the truck. The gong which was shipped from the factory with the fire apparatus has been stolen. A fire alarm will be provided. Isaac D. Bogert has offered to donate a lot near the Reformed church on which to erect a truck house.
April 27, 1894:
Planking on the small bridge on the road leading to Hillsdale is in a dangerous condition.
J.W. Wardell, a druggist from Closter, has leased Dr. Zabriskie’s new building and will open a drug store.
Former Justice of the Peace G.M. Ottignon has invested in a new team of horses. Having laid aside judicial honors, he is devoting his time to his mill business.
The fire company on Friday night resolved to devote the profits of the recent fair to its building fund. George T. Brickell offered to give the company a lot, 50 x 150, on Centre avenue, which will be accepted to-night. The company extended a vote of thanks to the ladies and others who so kindly assisted them with the fair. The truck is housed in Andrew H. Smith’s building.
People of Westwood have filed a petition with Judge Van Valen under the law providing for the formation of boroughs and will ask for an election to submit the question to vote. This project had been agitated for several years; meetings were held and the subject discussed, but no definite action taken. There has been a feeling of dissatisfaction for a long period, and people wanted to break loose from the township. As they paid a large proportion of the taxes levied, they wanted the management and use of their own funds, and conclude that the only way to arrive at it is to form a government for themselves.
Washington Township has a determined collector in Mr. John A. Eckerson. He has made up his mind to enforce the State laws with reference to the collection of taxes, realizing that too many were escaping the payment of taxes, and that officials have been lax in the performance of duty. Mr. Eckerson gave notice of his intention to arrest delinquents if need be and he began on Monday morning. Hiring Peter Demarest’s stage and team, he commenced the raid on the road from Westwood to Hillsdale, stopping at the houses of delinquents and demanding payment or submit to arrest. He did not drive a long distance before the stage was filled up, and seeing that the collector was determined, all hands finally paid up.
May 4, 1894:
Fourth avenue sports spend their leisure hours shad fishing.
The bridge on Railroad avenue has been repaired, and is now safe to travel over.
Continental Truck Co. on Friday night accepted the lot donated by Geo. T. Brickell, and adopted a uniform which consists of a blue shirt with shield, white belt and firemen’s cap with Grecian cross on the front.
Principal Demarest prepared a rather elaborate program for Arbor Day [April 27] exercises. The program consisted of 36 selections, recitations, singing and speaking–and the people were delighted with the children’s efforts.
The story that the people of Westwood, in their desire to form a borough government and cut loose from Washington township, rejoice in ridding themselves from a certain element in Eastwood is creating a bitter feeling. Westwooders recall scenes at primaries, while Eastwooders assert that when their votes were wanted no fault was found with them.
May 11, 1894:
C.S. DeBaun intends erecting a three-story brick building for business purposes on the present distillery site.
The people of Westwood voted on Tuesday to withdraw from Washington Township and form a borough. The lines of the borough are nearly the same as those which bound the school district. The next step will be an election for mayor, councilmen and other necessary officers, which probably will take place May 29.
May 18, 1894:
It is rumored that a new dry goods and grocery store will be opened in town.
The Board of Chosen Freeholders meets next Monday afternoon to examine into the condition of the bridge on the main road from Etna to Westwood.
Rev. David Talmage and John Heck have invested in bicycles. The divine one readily balances himself on the machine by the aid of his long coat tails, while Heck, to lighten the load, has parted with his luxuriant sideboards.
May 25, 1894:
Quite a number of people have visited the Borough lately with a view to purchasing real estate.
The present depot is not a suitable one for this growing town. A more attractive and more commodious structure, erected on a different location, would be more in keeping.
June 1, 1894:
Gabriel R. Paul Post, G.A.R. attended divine service in the Reformed church on Sunday. Rev. David Talmage officiated, and spoke of the duties of soldiers, their great achievements in the War of the Rebellion, and their duty as Christian citizens. On Tuesday delegations of the Post began the celebration of Memorial Day by decorating soldiers’ graves with flags and flowers in the Pascack, Saddle River, Valleau and Christian Reformed cemeteries. On Wednesday, at 9 a.m., the Post assembled in full uniform, and proceeded to Old Hook Cemetery, where the ritualistic service was held, and graves decorated; from thence the Post proceeded to the North Church Cemetery, Schraalenburgh, and then to Tappan Cemetery, where like services were performed. In Tappan the comrades, with Capt. Titus as their guest, dined, and then returned to Westwood.
There was no excitement whatever at the first Borough election on Tuesday, and but one ticket was in the field. The officers were pretty evenly divided between the two political parties. According to the registration list there are 158 voters in the Borough limits; 101 votes were cast. The following is the result of the election: Mayor, Isaac D. Bogert, Rep.; Councilmen (one year) Walter G. Wray, Dem.; George Youmans, Rep.; Councilmen (two years) Geo. W. Collignon, Rep.; John C. Kent, Dem.; Councilmen (three years) William W. Voorhis, Dem.; James Ackerson, Rep.; Assessor, Lewis M. Planck, Dem.; Collector, John A. Eckerson, Dem.; Commissioners of Appeal, David C. Blauvelt, Dem; W. H. Post, Rep.; and Levi Bell, Dem. The council will probably organize next week, and the new government will be set in motion.
June 8, 1894:
The Borough Council organized on Monday night. Mayor Bogert presided, James E. Demarest, the principal for the public school, was elected clerk. Under a recent law the Board elected W.W. Voorhis Council President. The Council will meet next Wednesday, when Mayor Bogert will appoint the necessary committees. It was decided to hold sessions in Odd Fellows’ Hall for the present.
Mayor Isaac D. Bogert is a public spirited citizen. Notwithstanding the fact that last year the assessor placed an assessment upon what is known as the “Public Park,” when Mr. Bogert had thrown the property open for the people’s use, he proposes donating the park to the Borough government without any cost whatever. The Mayor has directed Lawyer Johnson to draft the necessary deed of dedication with the provision that it shall be used for park purposes. Prior to handing the deed over to the Council, Mr. Bogert will make the place the most attractive spot in the northern portion of Bergen County. He has already had flower beds laid out and planted, the paths put in proper condition, and expects to make improvements to the park at his own individual expense. The Mayor is progressive, and, besides the donation of the park, contemplates certain road improvements, also at his own expense.
June 15, 1894:
The Council has ordered the registration of all dogs on or before the first day of July next. Clerk Demarest is ready to issue licenses.
Independence Day will be properly observed in the borough. Each organization in town has appointed committees to act in unison in making the necessary arrangements. James E. Demarest is the committee from citizens generally; ex-Justice Genest M. Ottignon, from the Fire Department; Postmaster T. E. Brickell, the Westwood Band; J. J. Blauvelt, the Odd Fellows; J. Van Emburgh, United Friends; and D. J. Haring, the Grand Army. It is proposed to have a parade, an oration, and fireworks in the evening.
June 22, 1894:
All property laid out in lots will not be assessed as farm land, as has been the case.
On Saturday afternoon the Freeholders’ committee receive bids for the new iron bridge on the road from Etna to Westwood.
Harry Humphrey was locked up Friday and released on bail Saturday morning. The troubles grew out of an election difficulty last Spring.
Next Thursday the public school will close. The work of supplying proper steam heating apparatus will then begin. The children expect to have a picnic in Westwood grove.
The Borough Council met Wednesday night, ostensibly to consider rules and laws for its government. Mayor Bogert has appointed the following committees: Laws -Voorhis, Youmans, Wray; Roads – Ackerson, Collignon, Kent; Finance -Voorhis, Collignon, Wray; Licenses -Kent, Ackerson, Voorhis; Stationery -Mr. Demarest, the clerk. The treasurer is Mr. Collignon, whose bond was fixed at $1,000.
June 29, 1894:
Dog poisoners are at work. Three canines were found lying on the highway this week.
Albert B. Van Emburgh, the lonely fisherman, went to Greenwood Lake on Monday morning, and returned Tuesday night with over fifty pickerel and bass.
The family who resided in A. Lutkin’s house undertook to quit the town without settling debts. Officers apprehended them and brought their goods back.
Minnietta Lodge, No.104, I. 0. 0. F. [Odd Fellows] elected officers on Tuesday night. Installation on July lOth. The Lodge has a membership of 63.
Big William, who is employed at the Old Hook Cemetery, has a habit of hanging around Hop Van Riper’s cigar factory. He was in the borough on Monday and stopped at the factory; when he went away a box of cigars was missing. Two employees followed him to Peetzburgh. The segars were still missing, and the grave digger told contradictory stories.
The borough will celebrate the Fourth in grand style. The programme, besides athletic sports which take place at 3 p.m., includes a parade, speaking, singing, and an open air concert by the Westwood Cornet Band. The parade occurs at 5 p.m. and will form as follows: Westwood Cornet Band, Gabriel R. Paul Post, G. A. R., Order of United Friends, Fire Department in full uniform and with its handsome new truck, and citizens generally. The line of march is through the principal streets of Westwood, thence to the ball field, where the speaking and singing takes place, and the band gives its concert. Of course, there will be a liberal display of fireworks. The people will not lack for public entertainment. Residences and public houses are likely to be decorated for the occasion.
July 6, 1894:
A drunken negro created a disturbance in the borough on the Fourth. The marshals hustled him out of town.
An unknown colored man had a narrow escape from being run over on the morning of the Fourth. He had too much of the “critter” on board, and sprang backward from a train just as another train was passing on the switch.
C.S. DeBaun has arranged for a water supply for Westwood by means of artesian wells. People generally hail the proposition with delight, and the hope is freely expressed that the enterprise may prove successful. The borough council has given Mr. DeBaun the privilege of laying mains through the public streets.
The Mayor and council have appointed the following Board of Health: S.J. Zabriskie, M.D., and A.B. Van Emburgh, for three years; Thomas G. Brickell and John J. Blauvelt for two years; and James Newburn for one year.
July 13, 1894:
On Tuesday ground was broken for the proposed fire house.
There is a washout on Railroad avenue, near the property of Jacob Van Buskirk, which needs the attention of the borough council.
C.S. DeBaun is pushing to completion the largest building in the borough. It is of brick, and the main portion will be four stories high. The principal part of the structure will be used for distillery purposes. The water plant will also be located here.
July 20, 1894:
Mid-summer vaudeville at Lachmund’s on July 27.
Mr. Wardell has one of the finest soda water fountains in the county. His is the only drug store in this section.
Jacob Van Buskirk completed the improvements to his repository and has opened a harness shop in connection therewith.
Wm. Wilkins, the grave-digger, denies the statement that he stole a box of segars. He threatens to sue the originators of the story for defamation of character.
Chas. Collignon with others had a day’s outing last week at the Passaic Falls which ended sadly. The party went bathing in the lake near the Falls, when Collignon was seized with cramps and drowned before assistance could reach him.
July 27, 1894:
C.S. DeBaun intends laying water mains through the streets this Fall.
The council’s committee on streets have commenced needed repairs on highway.
Because of the scarcity of water in the streams, mills have been obliged to close temporarily.
Mayor I.D. Bogert has kept his promise, and the park is now public property. The mayor has deeded the park to the borough council as a gift. This is a magnanimous act, and he is deserving of the thanks of the people.
Next Thursday is the date fixed for the Westwood Cornet Band’s 16th annual excursion. The destination is Glen Island. On the train and on the barge “Curry” the band will furnish music, while an orchestra supplies music for dancing. The train leaves Westwood at 8:40 a.m.
The borough’s only Truck Company resolved on Tuesday night to apply to the council for recognition as firemen, which means exemption from jury duty and an exemption on taxable property to the extent of $500. At Tuesday night’s session H. S. Sutton resigned as secretary. He had a difference with the foreman, Genest Ottignon, who lately ordered the company out for practice. Sutton said he was ill, but the foreman directed him in line with the rest of the company. Sutton declined, and was fined 50 cents for disobedience. Rather than submit, he resigned the office. The company voted $5 for the purchase of a trumpet for foreman Ottignon; the latter thought the amount rather small and asked permission to add $5 on his own account. It was allowed. The question arises, who will own the trumpet.
August 3, 1894:
Contractor Stagg completed the new bridge this week between Westwood and Etna. It is a substantial structure.
A horse became frightened at the approach of a bicycle on Wednesday afternoon, then ran away, breaking the shafts.
The borough government has officially recognized the fire department. This means exemption from jury duty and an exemption to the extent of $500 on tax valuation.
Nine iron beams, weighing 1,500 lbs. each, have arrived for C.S. DeBaun’s brick building. The beams are to hold two immense tanks on the fourth story, from which and with the artesian wells he proposes supplying the borough with water.
The dry grass in the swamp back of Aaron Turse’s (Tuers) residence was set on fire last Saturday. The bogs burned all night, and on Sunday, added to the general heat. With the smoke, it was almost unbearable on the streets of Westwood. People were obliged to close both windows and doors. It was a mistake to set the swamp on fire during such hot weather.
The Board of Education for the borough organized by the selection of Mr. John J. Bate as president and D. D. Brickell, district clerk. The members will serve during the following term: three years, Messrs. Ottignon, Turse and Bate; two years, Messrs. Hill, Voorhis and Blauvelt; one year, Messrs. Newburn, Bomm and Brickell. No time has been fixed for regular sessions.
August 10, 1894:
Two candidates “rode the goat” in Minnietta Lodge on Tuesday night.
The platform around the depot is in a bad condition. The borough is deserving better depot facilities.
The Reformed Sunday School enjoyed its annual picnic on Wednesday in the Westwood Grove. The Cornet Bank furnished music in the afternoon.
The new thoroughfare from Westwood to Hillsdale is becoming the Fifth Avenue of the borough. The new residences are among the most attractive hereabouts.
August 17, 1894:
The telephone will be continued to Pearl River.
The bridge on Railroad avenue is being replanked
The Continental Fire Company met Tuesday night, and received the official certificates of membership.
Bicycles are becoming quite numerous in the borough. Last Friday night two wheelmen came rushing down Railroad avenue; neither of the machines were heard by two gentlemen who were crossing the avenue at the time until the cyclers were almost upon them. The council should pass an ordinance requiring lamps and signal bells, under penalty.
The Borough Council assembled at Odd Fellows’ Hall on Friday night. Mayor Bogert presided and all the councilmen were present. The ordinance creating the fire department went into effect on the 13th, and the clerk announced that he had issued certificates of exemption from taxes to the firemen in the department. These certificates were distributed the same evening. Mayor Bogert presented the map of the proposed pipe line through Westwood’s principal streets for supplying the public with water from the immense tanks which are located in the fourth story of DeBaun’s new building; the water has a fall of 60 feet, which is believed will afford sufficient pressure for the entire borough and answer as well for fire purposes. Councilman Wray stated that Mr. DeBaun will shortly be ready to proceed with the laying of the pipes and desired to know how many, if any, fire hydrants were wanted. The question which arose, however, in a discussion of the matter, was as to the Borough Council’s right to grant such a franchise to Mr. DeBaun. The subject was referred to counsel. A water supply for Westwood would prove great benefit to the place, and the council takes the view of it, but desires to be on the safe side and avoid litigation.
August 24, 1894:
The pipes for the water supply have arrived, and Mr. DeBaun will begin laying them shortly.
On Wednesday morning a private party of a dozen went on a trip to Rockland Lake, where they spent the day.
The second excursion for the season by the Westwood Cornet Band takes place next Tuesday. The destination is Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Those who have not yet visited the show have now an opportunity at a very reasonable rate.
Assessor Planck’s valuations in the borough reached $231,000. The assessment was revised by the council on Tuesday and but few changes were made. The exemptions of firemen and G.A. R. men amount to about $17,000 in valuations.
The Westwood base ball team and the Spring Valley (N.J.) team engaged in a match game last Saturday. The former was defeated by a score of 12 to 3.
August 31, 1894:
Freeholder I.D. Bogert’s crop of peaches are probably among the finest in the county. He picked four baskets from one tree.
The railroad company has torn up part of the old platform at the depot and filled it in with sand. Why not tear the depot down and give the borough a presentable structure.
The council passed a resolution compelling firemen to perform 75 per cent of fire duty before any exemption will be allowed. This is a new departure and firemen wonder where the authority comes from.
September 7, 1894:
C.S. DeBaun started his cider mill this week in the new building.
The fire house is completed, and to-morrow night Continental Truck Co. will have a reception.
Chas. Eno got into a scrimmage at Pearl River on Monday night, and while on the floor David Tuers kicked him in the face, breaking his nose.
Westwood’s two marshals [Aaron Turse (Tuers) and Genest Houseman] and Adam Collignon went to Oradell and the surrounding country last Friday in search of Frank Storms, the forger. Storms failed to materialize.
September 14, 1894:
Rev. David Talmage is a lover of cycling. He took a trip to Nyack and returned Wednesday.
Mayor I.D. Bogert spent two days at Greenwood Lake this week fishing. He caught 30 pickerel. Next week Messrs. A. B. Van Ernburgh and John H. Ackerman will spend two days at the lake and promise to beat the record.
Certain cyclers are taking altogether too much privilege. The roadway does not seem to be wide enough for them and they frequently run over sidewalks ringing their bells if a pedestrian should happen to be on the walk at the same time, warning him to get out of the way. This has led members of the council to consider the advisability of introducing an ordinance regulating bicycle riding.
C.S. DeBaun has commenced the laying of water mains through the streets of the borough, but he struck a snag on reaching the railroad crossing. The company stopped him from running the mains under their tracks.
September 21, 1894:
Burglars attempted to enter the house of W.W. Voorhis last week, but Mr. Voorhis was aroused by the noise, and the burglars left.
The board of governors of the fire department on Friday night decided to complete the interior of their building and convert the basement into a lockup.
There is a “Jack the peeper” in town. Saturday night the fellow was caught peeping in the windows of John J. Bate’s residence. He is a colored man named Frazier, who has “done time” behind bars.
Continental H & L Co. voted Saturday to hold a monthly sociable and dance in the fire house. But the board of governors object, and that will end the matter. It is claimed that the building was not erected for that purpose.
September 28, 1894:
The Borough Council has purchased a quantity of crushed stone for its highways.
Gabriel R. Paul Post, G.A.R. will be represented at the reunion of the Twenty-second regiment at Trenton.
Van Emburgh and Bogert have invested in crushed stone to macadamize around their store property.
As soon as the interior of the fire house is completed, the Borough Council will hold its regular sessions in that building.
C.S. DeBaun has been allowed to lay water mains under the railroad company’s tracks and is continuing the extension of the lines on other highways.
It is proposed to introduce hydrants for fire purposes in the borough. This must necessarily lead to the formation of a hose company, for hydrants without hose and the men to manage them would be useless.
The colored elite of the borough went to Park Ridge to attend a picnic on Tuesday night. It rained and the colored gentry danced in a hall. When they came back to town they undertook to paint the borough red.
At the meeting of the Borough Council last Friday night an ordinance was introduced, making it a penalty to ride with bicycles on sidewalks or without a light at night. The council also discussed the question of the introduction of water hydrants.
October 5, 1894:
The borough has received three additional cars laden with crushed stone for road purposes.
Mr. James Kedian and family have returned to their city home, after spending the summer in Westwood.
Frank Perry and Nicholas Houseman quarreled on Friday night, and Houseman struck Perry. The latter had his antagonist arrested. Bailed.
An immense tank is now being built on top of C.S. DeBaun’s four story brick building, from which the people of Westwood may be supplied with water. The laying of mains through the town continues.
Last Friday night the Borough Council finally passed an ordinance regulating bicycles riding. The penalty for reckless riding or without a proper signal lamp, lighted at night, is $5. The ordinance goes into effect October 10th.
Mayor Bogert offers the N.J. & N.Y. R.R. Co. a plot of ground near Dr. Zabriskie’s residence for a new depot, free of charge. Mr. Bogert will give sufficient land to form a park about the building, and Dr. Zabriskie is willing to open an avenue over his property, free of charge, by which people may drive around the station. The old depot is a disgrace to this progressive town.
October 12, 1894:
The Westwood Band goes to Nyack next Tuesday to take part in the firemen’s parade.
There is an ice famine in Westwood. The dealer’s stock has been exhausted and people are obliged to drive to Meister’s mills at Peetzburgh for a supply.
Thieves raided Peter Gardinier’s hennery on Sunday night. The scamps broke open the door and carried off a number of fowls.
October 26, 1894:
Monday night sneak thieves cleared Genest Ottignon’s clothes lines. The same night thieves stripped Ottignon’s quince trees of their fruit.
November 2, 1894:
Howard Dabney, a cyclist from Delford, was caught by Marshal Tuers riding on a sidewalk. He was fined $5. Dabney said he had no money, but he raised that amount before he left town.
There will be no shooting of rabbits on Election Day this year. The law is not “up” until November lOth. The previous years more game was slaughtered on Election Day than any other day. Pot hunters generally make it a holiday.
November 9, 1894:
A number of young people from here went to Saddle River to enjoy a dance.
The first foot ball match in the borough took place on Tuesday, and was witnessed by quite a number of people. It proved something of a slugging match, for Harry Utter got his shoulder injured. Will Yates had one leg injured, and another had the wind knocked out of him. However, they took their punishment in good part. New York team was easily defeated. After the game, the contestants dined at the Park Hotel.
Every fall for several years past, thieves have visited the little shanty occupied by the colored man familiarly known as “Tom Shortcake,” an old and quiet resident who lives alone. Last year the door of his home was forced open, and his watch, gun and other articles stolen. Friday night, probably the same thief, paid a visit to Tom’s place, entered the hennery, and relieved him of his live stock. That thief ought to get ten years in State prison.
November 16, 1894:
Considerable sickness is reported in Westwood and vicinity.
C.S. DeBaun has completed the laying of water mains through the town.
Certain hunters do not hesitate to shoot chickens, if they happen to cross their path.
Mr. Utter found two rabbits in his well this week. That section must be pretty good hunting ground.
Caesar Thompson (colored) expects to receive damages from the N.J. & N.Y. R.R. for killing three of his fowls.
November 23, 1894:
Another football contest is announced for Thanksgiving Day.
Special services will be held in the Reformed church on Thanksgiving Day.
November 30, 1894:
At Lachmund’s Hall last night a Vaudeville entertainment and hop took place.
It is understood that the Borough Council is waiting to ascertain what pressure of water the new works will furnish, before ordering hydrants.
James K. Bogert [father of J. M. Bogert and A. B. Bogert] , who was removed to Hackensack Hospital recently for surgical treatment, died on Saturday. He was 75.
December 7, 1894:
Minstrel entertainment to-morrow night at Odd Fellows’ Hall.
The borough is such a healthy place that the local Board of Health seldom convenes for the consideration of sanitary matters.
The business of the late Jacob Van Buskirk is now conducted by his son Vernando. Mr. Van Buskirk had been in business in Westwood for 25 years.
Gabriel R. Paul Post, G.A. R. elected officers on Monday night. Installation the first Monday in January. The post at its next session will muster in new members. In the matter of finances the post stands fourth outside of the large cities. It has over $1,700 in its treasury.
December 14, 1894:
The board of governors of the Fire Association is arranging rooms in the fire house for the accommodations of the Borough Council.
The date for the entertainment and festival in the Reformed church is fixed for Christmas Eve. Santa Claus will appear at 8 o’clock and make the children happy.
Mrs. Payne’s horse took fright at an approaching train on Monday and started to run away, but she managed to control him. In the excitement of the moment, Mrs. Payne lost a package of dress goods.
December 21, 1894:
W.W. Voorhis is having a steam heating apparatus placed in his new house.
Andrew H. Smith has macadamized the roads running through his land.
The Westwood Cornet Bank has changed its quarters. The band now meets in the new truck house.
There are over 800 names of taxpayers who have not yet settled with the collector, though the time by law expired yesterday. Costs will now be added.
Chas. Engel is something of a horse jockey. He made a swap at Saddle River last week, and on the way home the nag dropped dead at Hillsdale.
December 28, 1894:
Christmas Eve there was a dance at Pearl River, and a score or more of Westwooders were in attendance. They were very disorderly when they returned by train at 5:30 a.m.
Since the indictment of ex-postmaster Banta, on a charge of offering for sale Louisiana lottery tickets, it leaks out that another prominent individual has also been dabbling in this business.
C.S. DeBaun is preparing to erect a reservoir on the heights outside the village proper. The object is to afford greater pressure in cases of fire. Mr. DeBaun is alone in this undertaking, and is deserving of great credit.
The Continental Fire Company had a rather lively meeting on Friday night. The general understanding of the purpose of a fire organization is, that it is a public benefit, affording protection to life and property. Westwood is a progressive town and the people in it are anxious that Continental Hook & Ladder Company may be of great service to the borough. But when it is asked to pay rent for its quarters, ostensibly erected for the Borough Fire Department, the authorities are overreaching the work. It cannot reasonably be asked that men should band themselves together for the public interest, oftentimes risking health and life, and then be obliged to pay rent for meeting purposes. Not a single Company in Hackensack, or in Carlstadt, pay a dollar for rent. It is made a public charge, and the people cheerfully pay it, and have done so for years. Continental Company held a fair, and out of the profits certain funds were paid over for the construction of this very building. At Friday’s meeting of the authorities the question was thoroughly discussed, and it was finally agreed to allow $25 per annum for rent.
Greatly appreciated finding the 1894 posts re: Aaron Tuers/Turse, my great-grandfather. You have anecdotes we have not seen or heard of, and they are much appreciated.