Category Archives: sanctuary city

BLM terrorism arrives in Wisconsin.

Once again, people showing support for BLM (Black Lives Matter) are supporting domestic terrorism. That is not freedom of speech, it’s treason. This cancer must be purged from existence before it engulfs all of us.

Here is what happens when you let the monkeys out of the zoo in Kenosha Wisconsin:

Watch Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists assault and rob people in Portland, Oregon.

If you are not already aware, Black Lives Matter (aka BLM) is a racist, Communist, domestic terror organization. It’s not a cute little virtue signal to display support for BLM–it is support of terrorism.

Take your head out of your ass and take a look at what’s in store for all of us under leftist extremist leadership, and the violent fascism of BLM. Please follow real news from independent journalists like Jorge Ventura and Drew Hernandez.

Phil Murphy is a criminal tyrant scumbag and MUST be stopped NOW.

What the fuck is this fucking bullshit? Tyrant Murphy has weaponized government against its citizens over the fake news flu. It’s time for all citizen patriots to take up the call against these criminal traitors in government.

Let’s mobilize, people, this treason cannot go unanswered. Folks, Atilis Gym in Belmawr NJ NEEDS OUR HELP.

The Civil War-2 has begun, and patriots need to strike back. Corrupt piece of shit Phil fucking Murphy should be apprehended and prosecuted for the COVID-19 geriatric genocide he caused, and for his violation of every resident’s Constitutional rights with unlawful actions regarding weightless COVID-19 orders. This tyranny cannot go unanswered.


It is vitally important that every patriot stand up against this tyranny NOW. Corrupt traitor Phil Murphy has signaled to his leftist minions that they are safe to violate New Jerseyans’ rights, just like he has. They will come for YOU next!!

At this very moment, a leftist army is amassing within New Jersey’s borders. And local retards and/or traitors have been observed signaling their support for the anti-American opposition coming to destroy our decent, lawful way of life.

Beware of your scumbag traitor neighbors displaying support for the racist, marxist, terrorists of Black Lives Matter (BLM). BLM and its supporters are ignorant traitors. These very dangerous people are a cancer that has taken hold in the Pascack Valley.  Here’s an example of this fascist stupidity in Park Ridge, NJ:

Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.
Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.

This direct local support for terrorists only serves to bolster the leftist army to harass and abuse all New Jersey patriots and supporters of freedom. The police can’t help you when the Civil War-2 goes hot. It may already be too late to prepare. Leftist attacks have already begun. How long before Phil Murphy and his scumbag terrorists come to your door?

Take a look at what BLM terrorists have in store for you. Trust us, you can’t handle what they do to you after dark.

Kevin Trejo earns his 15 minutes of fame, and a lifetime of infamy, for being a sissy leftist terrorist who was outsmarted by the local fucking police!! What a loser retard. The cops are real dumb. Looks like he’s on the wrong side of the wall, too!!

The treason continues as Phil Murphy implements plan to disenfranchise Paterson voters.

This Phil Murphy asshole needs to be apprehended and locked up pending an investigation into his official misconduct. In a dry-run for this fall’s election season, Phil Murphy implemented a plan to disenfranchise Paterson city voters.

This is a call for the arrest, impeachment, and prosecution of Phil Murphy for his crimes against New Jersey and beyond.

WINNING: Feds can withhold funding from traitor sanctuary cities.

On the Trump train, the winning never stops. Appeals court sides with Trump administration over withholding funding from traitor sanctuary cities. Fuck sanctuary cities and the criminal foreigner vermin they aid and abet. Just fuck you both. Death to all traitors!

Bill de Blasio is accessory to the murder of 92-year-old Maria Fuertes

Scumbag traitor, and accessory to murder, Bill de Blasio released a criminal illegal alien Reeaz Khan back on the streets while refusing to honor an ICE detainer. Then, criminal illegal alien Reeaz Khan, with the assistance of traitor Bill de Blasio, murdered Maria Fuertes.

In fact, NY released 7500+ criminal illegal aliens back into the US in 2019.

Bill de Blasio should be immediately arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for treason. His family assets should be seized to reimburse victims and society for his crimes. Bill de Blasio is a murderer. REVOLUTION NOW!!

As for Reeaz Khan, stay the fuck out of New Jersey, and tell your foreigner buddies to stay the fuck out of America. Illegal vermin isn’t safe here!!!

Hopefully, Reeaz Khan will be attacked and killed in prison. He is evil scum who should be eliminated.

Murderers Bill de Blasio and Reeaz Khan. Fuck you both!!

Illegal aliens accused of child rape flee after being freed by NJ and NY sanctuary city traitors.

Dangerous illegal aliens are on the loose in NJ and NY. Let’s find these fuckers and bring them to swift justice.

Also, the traitors in sanctuary cities in Vineland, NJ and in Westchester County, NY all should be arrested for treason, convicted, and hanged in public as an example.

The illegal pedophile rapists are Luciano Trejo-Dominguez, a Mexican, and Joaquin Rodriguez Quiroz, obviously another dirty spic.

Keep your distance!! These men are dangerous and will likely require deadly force during any encounter.

Be on the lookout for these, and all other vermin illegals, and if you find them, call ICE at 1-866-DHS-2ICE.

ICE Arrests 105 in New Jersey Operation Targeting Criminal Aliens.

You gotta love the agents of ICE doing something, anything to keep us safe from the illegal scum trash who use NJ for sanctuary.

This is in contrast to the traitors in Trenton who want to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, or the criminal traitors at the Middlesex County jail who refused to honor a federal detainer request for a criminal alien who was released to then commit a triple homocide in Missouri.

Fucking scumbag Middlesex sanctuary assholes caused the murder of three American citizens. Those responsible should be arrested for treason, tried, convicted, and hanged to death in a public square. Piece of shit assholes.

Fuck you, Middlesex and every other illegal alien sanctuary in New Jersey. We will root out the illegal scum and the government traitors from every corner of this country! MAGA!!