Category Archives: Gov’t tyranny

The Illegitimate Biden Regime is Filled With Lawless Traitors.

The illegitimate regime of senile pedophile traitor Joe Biden is filled with perverts, pedophiles, foreigners, faggots, mentally ill gender pretenders, unqualified diversity hires, and worst of all, traitors.

Most of the top players have never even memorialized their employment with a valid oath of office. This is because they are representing a Communist globalist cabal that has infiltrated and stolen control of America with the 2020 coup. It is no wonder that every action of the illegitimate Biden regime is so convenient to the agenda of the deep state and to those seeking to destroy America.

The illegitimate Biden regime must be dismantled, and the Communist occupiers must be rooted out of our government, society, and country. MAKE TRAITORS AFRAID AGAIN!!!

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on

Biden regime pedo-files:
Report: Biden’s DHS Chief Privately Admits Illegal Immigration Is ‘Worse Now than … Ever’

13 Times Joe Biden Was Involved in Family Business Corruption

Ship of Fools: 62 Percent of Biden Officials Who Handle Economic Policy Have Zero Years Business Experience Per Report

Biden Administration Sued for Tying K-12 Gender Ideology to Lunch Money

Quietly Released Energy Dept. Report Admits Mistake in Canceling Keystone XL Pipeline, Shows Economic Benefits

Biden HHS Official Rachel Levine Says Changing Kids’ Genders Will Soon be Normalized

“Joe Biden Too Old to Travel” – White House Admits They Are Limiting Old Joe’s Foreign Travel

Joe Biden Fondles with Little Girl’s Top – Can’t Keep His Hands to Himself in Mississippi

Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn

Bombshell: Email Shows Ex-Acting CIA Director Mike Morell Pleading with John Brennan to Sign “Spies Who Lie” Letter to Give Biden a “Talking Point to Push Back on Trump” During Debates

Congress to Take Legal Action Against Corrupt Secretary of State – After Antony Blinken REFUSES to Turn Over Afghanistan Withdrawal memo

Joe Biden Brazenly Lies About Being a Professor at UPenn in Howard University Commencement Speech

Biden Takes Off to Rehoboth Beach for Another Vacation – Biden Has Spent 331 Days – 40% of His Presidency on Vacation with No Visitor Logs

Biden Sides with China’s Solar Manufacturers, Vetoes Bipartisan Plan to Restore U.S. Tariffs

Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers Before Congressional Testimony – But 51 Signatories of Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Still Have Theirs

Biden Admin Funding Book on ‘Drag Queens, Trans Taxi Drivers, Cruising Gay Men, and Femme Witches’ By Drag Queen Who Writes LGBT Children’s Books

FBI Misused Surveillance Powers Nearly 300,000 Times in 2 Years, Unsealed Court Document Says

Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden’s “Pay for Play” Contract/Emails Revealed From Days Before the Infamous “Son of a Bitch Was Fired” Trip to Ukraine

Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died After COVID Vaccine Files Groundbreaking Lawsuit Against Biden Administration

REPORT: So Far in 2023, Illegal Border Crossers Outnumber the Population of Eight States

Doctors Group Files Federal Lawsuit Against HHS and FDA Over Unlawful Attempt to Ban Ivermectin for COVID Treatment

The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline

Democrat Lies Come Crashing Down: For Years Lying Democrats, The Deep State and Their Fake News Told Us Trump was Putin’s Puppet – Today We Found Out It Was Joe Biden

FBI Special Agent Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion to Plead Guilty to Conspiring with Russian Oligarch

Karine Jean-Pierre Can’t Say Who’s Paying for Secret Service’s $16,000 Per Month Malibu Home For Hunter’s Security

Joe Biden Has Spent 40 Percent of Presidency Away on Personal Trips

Jill Biden Has COVID, but Joe Said ‘You’re Not’ Going to Get Infected if You’re Vaccinated

Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship — Violating First Amendment

Judge: Biden Admin Violated First Amendment Rights of Stanford Doctor

Explosive 60 Minutes Report on US Funding of Ukraine: US Paying Salaries of 57,000 First Responders, Subsidizing Small Businesses in War Torn Country

Joe Biden’s Dog, Commander, Banned from White House After Series of Biting Incidents

Fourth IRS Agent Says D.C. and California Prosecutors Blocked Hunter Biden Charges

Third IRS Agent Says Joe Biden’s DOJ Blocked David Weiss from Charging Hunter

Joe Biden Gifts Another $10 Billion to Iran – His Total Funding to Iran Now Comes to $80 Billion Since He Entered Office- And This is One Month After Iran-Backed Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel

‘Adults in Charge’: Top Nine Degenerate Democrat Scandals Under Joe Biden

Rep. Jeff Van Drew: Total Illegal Aliens That Entered US Under Joe Biden Now More than Population of New Jersey- the 11th Largest State!

Biden DOJ will NOT Pursue Second Trial Against Sam Bankman-Fried – Democrats ALWAYS Get a Pass

Report: Joe Biden Takes 418th Vacation Day in Virgin Islands for New Year’s

Report: Joe Biden Spent 37% of 2023 Enjoying a Getaway Spot

Biden’s DOJ Confirms Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Real

Capitol Police Won’t Charge Two Men in Senate Gay Porn Scandal

Biden White House Removes Joe Biden’s Disastrous Thursday Night Press Conference and Unlists the Video from White House YouTube Page – And The Lame Excuse on Why They Did This Doesn’t Cut It

Three Dozen Troops Killed in One Year of Military Aviation Mishaps — Pentagon Response Unclear

ICYMI: Chris Wray’s FBI Forced a Young Mother to Stand Outside Barefoot with Her 4-Yr-Old Boy in His Pajamas in 12° Weather While They Ransacked Her Home – She Lost Her Baby the Next Day

Robert Hur Couldn’t Determine Who Had Access to Biden’s Stolen Classified Docs Because Security at Penn Biden Center DELETED All Visitor Logs From 2017-2021

Federal Judge Rules Pelosi’s ‘Final Major Achievement’ as Speaker Is Unconstitutional

REVEALED: Liz Cheney, Sham January 6 Committee Allegedly Hid Exonerating Evidence of Trump’s Authorization for National Guard During Capitol Protest

New Information on Liz Cheney’s Deceit and Perverse Actions Surrounding Events on Jan. 6 Raises Serious Calls for Her Arrest and Prosecution

Report: Transcripts Confirm January 6 Committee Lied About Trump Attacking Secret Service

Special Counsel Transcript Confirms Joe Biden’s Big Lie Regarding His Late Son Beau During Interview, Also Shows He Forgot When Trump was Elected

Hur: Biden LIED When He Insisted He Did Not Share Classified Information with His Ghostwriter

Devastating Blow to Old Joe: US House Passes Resolution Condemning Biden Regime for Causing “Worst Immigration-Border Security Crisis in American History” in Bipartisan Vote with 14 DEMOCRATS JOINING GOP IN VOTE

This Is How It’s Done… Rep. Kelly Armstrong Gets Special Counsel Robert Hur to Admit that Joe Biden “Met Every Actual Element of the Crime”

Hur Admits Biden Tried to Change Classified Documents Scandal Report Before it Was Publicly Released

Kamala Harris Claps Along to Puerto Rican Protest Song Before Realizing It’s About Her

Over 200,000 Deportation Cases Dismissed After Biden Regime Failed to File Required Paperwork

Joe Biden Declares March 31, 2024, Which is Easter Sunday, ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

Joe Biden Moves to Slash Medicare Advantage

Biden Mocked For Being Led Around White House Lawn Like a Dog During Disastrous Greeting Ceremony with Japanese Prime Minister

Biden’s Deputies Let Migrants Walk Away from Court Hearings, Deportations

Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Refuses to Say Whether Men and Women ‘Are Physically Different’

WW3 Watch: CIA Kicks off Election Year With False Flag Attack on Russia.

Arguably, World War 3 began on Friday, March 13, 2000, when world govenments, in lockstep, attacked their citizens with COVID tyranny in response to a false pandemic. The global enslavement and extermination operation that began on FRIDAY THE 13TH 2000 will forever be the real World War 3, but is more appropriately named the COVID War.

But since fake news dominates the world of the sheeple slaves, World War 3 has yet to occur. With a senile traitor as White House resident, and an illegitimate government of traitors attacking both domestically and internationally, we don’t have long to wait.

The CIA has kicked off the 2024 presidential election season by funding and coordinating a false flag terror attack in Russia on 3/22/2024.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on

COVID-19: Don’t Let Them Off The Hook.

Every one of the covidiot tyrants should be very afraid. It will not be a surprise when the time comes that they are all tracked down and held accountable for their treason. They all must suffer severe consequenses for their crimes against humanity over the hoax flu pandemic, and their participation in the global enslavement and extermination operation. Start by arresting mass murderer Anthony Fauci.

John Stossel reports:

Senile Pedophile Traitor Joe Biden Mocked by Italian TV.

The senile serial sniffing pedophile China puppet traitor Joe Biden is a dog king that has made America the laughing stock of the world.

Italian TV mocks the traitor Joe Biden:

And another one:

Haven’t had enough? We got you covered:

And one for the dumb cunt diversity hire Kamelface Harris haters:

Happy 4th Anniversary to the Global Enslavement and Biomedical Depopulation Operation.

It is likely that the idiot sheeple fail to remember that the global enslavement and biomedical depopulation operation was launched on FRIDAY THE 13TH of March 2020.

Remember how the Communist-captured US government labeled most of us as “non-essential”? Remember how the fake news spread the fear porn to the idiot masses, claiming that there was a novel and deadly flu virus that would kill us all?

Remember how the fake news fear porn made totally outrageous, non-scientific, and illogical claims that masks and isolation from other humans was necessary to save the world from the flu?

Remember how there was an immediate shortage of food and ammunition and goods of all kinds?

Remember how the threat of a deadly flu was used to silence and censor the truth about actually effective flu mitigation strategies? The fake news programmed their idiot sheeple to disregard and attack anyone who spoke of proper nutrition, fresh air and sunshine, vitamin D and zinc, exercise, and safe, effective medications like Ivermectin and Budesonide.

Unlawful NJ COVID mask order.
Unlawful NJ COVID mask order. Arrest the traitor Phil Murphy.

The world didn’t need to be shut down over the flu. Nobody had to die from the flu. But the idiot sheeple have been dumbed down by the fake news for so long, that they were already primed for their part in the global biomedical depopulation and enslavement operation. The good little sheeple slaves were oblivious to their enslavement, but the lions among us knew that this was another government-sponsored false flag akin to 9/11, and set for maximum tyranny.

Remember how people across America were arrested for daring to live their lives? Arrested for gathering together. Arrested for going to church. Arrested for refusing to wear a face diaper. Censored, debanked, and deplatformed for telling the truth about the false pandemic, or for promoting effective medications like Ivermectin. People fired from jobs for speaking the truth about the false pandemic. The tyranny was absurd.

The mass hysteria of the mentally ill sheeple slaves was so strong that, even three years later, they felt empowered to discriminate against and to attack anybody who did not surrender to the tyranny or to espouse the mainstream fake news false reality.

One example we reported on in March 2023, in which Maria Palacios demanded that a local resident put on a surgical mask to see a doctor for a routine checkup. Palacios had NO WRITTEN PROTOCAL for mask usage, but she dared to unilaterally demand the resident surrender to her will. On information and belief, the resident basically told the un-American foreigner tyrant Maria Palacios to fuck off.

It’s particularly disturbing that Palacios, and her employer, Dr. Daniel Wilkin, fancy themselves as engaged in the modern medical profession, when they don’t even know the long-settled science that masks offer ZERO protection against the flu. These people are either dangerously stupid, or dangerously dishonest.

Speaking of dangerously stupid or dishonest, we turn our attention to the Dumont NJ Board of Education slaveholders. Recently, we reported on a story that actually began on FRIDAY MARCH 12 2021. On that day, a Dumont High School Communist indoctrination center science teacher used the one year anniversary of the flu lockdown tyranny to call out the global enslavement operation.

This didn’t sit well with the sheeple slaves. One idiot dumb cunt identified in court testimony as Dayja Snead interrupted the class to argue that the teacher should not be allowed to have free speech to call out the global tyranny of the false pandemic narrative.

Snead’s un-American idiot mother, Yvette Ridley Jimenez, also took the position that the teacher should not have free speech to call for freedom from the unlawful and unethical worldwide enslavement operation. Court testimony reveals that Jimenez went straight to the superintendent and members of the BOE to call for the teacher’s termination.

She didn’t stop there, Jimenez also took to Facebook to defame the teacher and to offer to spread an illicit video of the teacher’s class to anybody she could. Court testimony reveals that Jimenez harassed anybody who tried to set her straight or interject some sober common sense.

Another tyranny collaborator, a complete stranger to the teacher, took it upon herself to start a harassing online petition with the stated intent to get the teacher fired. This retarded scumbag piece-of-shit was identified in court as Mia Vasallo. Fuck this cancel culture cunt.

But that’s not all, another tyranny collaborator, interloper-foreigner Chris Pableo, was identified in court testimony as someone who also turned to Facebook to insult the teacher and call for termination. Pableo is an adult who was not in the teacher’s class. It appears that Pableo is just a dumb fucking sissy who feels empowered to attack people from the safety of an online platform.

Another foreigner is also accused of attacking the freedom-loving teacher from the safety of internet platforms. It is alleged in court testimony that dumb cunt Allana Floro spread false information about the teacher on Mia Vasallo’s online petition.

Minority fake news loser Ricardo Kaulessar.
Foreigner fake news loser Ricardo Kaulessar.

Also revealed in court testimony is the allegation that one of the above un-American fascists is alleged to have reached out to fellow foreigner fake news writer Ricardo Kaulessar to publish a hit-piece defaming the teacher. Un-American minority fascists of a feather flock together.

It turns out that the Dumont BOE slaveholders share the un-American fascism of their slaves, and the teacher’s employment contract was terminated–after getting paid full contractual salary for 10 more weeks.

On information and belief, NOBODY in the Dumont High School administration or BOE spoke up against the fascists attacking their teacher. Not principal “Sleepy” Jim Wichmann or his vice principal “Dumb Cunt” Ryanne Hutchinson.

Not the BOE slaveholders Robert DeWald, Karen Valido, Theresa Riva, Sandra Fernandez, Jeffrey Pollack, Timothy Grob, Richard Healy, or Scott Miller. No, the BOE slaveholders lord over minorities, foreigners, and white cucks. They embrace the same anti-freedom, anti-human, fascist totalitarianism that their slaves are trained for. Dumont Public Schools is more concerned with pumping out fascists, than with promoting American values like liberty and open debate.

And that’s what you get when you promote a false reality to the idiot sheeple masses. That’s the future of the illusion created by the mainstream fake news narrative. You get fascism. You get tyranny. You get the destruction of society. You get anti-human idiot sheeple slaves who love their enslavement so much that they will attack anybody who opposes it–with impunity.

Happy anniversary.

Enjoy your enslavement while it lasts.

Tucker Carlson — Choose Freedom:

“Free speech is what delineates a free man from a slave.” Tucker Carlson.

SCOTUS Rebukes Anti-Trump Lawfare in Unanimous Decision.

SCOTUS unanimously ruled that the pedophile traitor liberals can’t take Donald Trump off the ballot. What’s next?

For the next few days, the pedophile traitor fake news will try to spin the decision, and the pedophile traitor liberals’ heads will explode. They all live in a fantasy world, fuck ’em. The Trump Derangement Syndrome that rots their ignorant brains is incurable and fatal. Most liberals will die by the hand of their own stupidity. Good riddance to them all.

Beyond that, the captured traitor government will continue its lawfare against conservative patriots and Trump, the government traitors will ensure numerous fase flags that they blame on conservative patriots, the traitor government will start a war, a summer of Democrat race riots, another false pandemic, final economic collapse, and a suspension of the fall election to ensure that the captured government remains in the hands of foreigners and traitors, completing the enslavement of all Americans to the biomedical depopulation operation.

One thing is absolutely certain: there can be no coexistence with the pedophile traitors of America. Either the pedophile traitors and their followers are politically destroyed and excised, or America is destroyed.

The treason that must immediately be undone is to RELEASE THE JANUARY 6TH POLITICAL PRISONERS.

Special Counsel: Pedophile Traitor Joe Biden Too Mentally Feeble to Prosecute.

Pedophile, traitor, criminal, sack of shit, and part time resident of the White House, Joe Biden is too mentally feeble to prosecute for three crimes related to unlawfully taking, keeping, and sharing classified documents. Read the full special counsel report here.

The pedophile traitor appeared on TV tonight to repond to the special counsel report. The pedophile traitor took questions from the press pool. He acted like a senile old man, easy to anger, a dottering old mushmouth fool. Then the pedophile traitor drifted out of consciousness and confused Mexico with Egypt and eventually trailed off as he shit his diaper.

Here’s Mark Dice’s take on the pedophile traitor Joe Biden’s fiasco special counsel response:

Even fake news CNN identified three lies the pedophile traitor Joe Biden told at his presser.

Pedophile traitor Joe Biden is the illegitimate figurehead of the communist coup takeover of America in 2020. We are now an occupied nation controlled by domestic traitors and globalist vermin. And pedophile traitor Joe Biden is too feeble to prosecute. Fuck that.

FUCK PEDOPHILE TRAITOR JOE BIDEN. America should arrest this scumbag, and prosecute this piece of shit for his many crimes against the United States. FUCK PEDOPHILE TRAITOR JOE BIDEN.

Mark Dice reports on pedophile traitor Democrats’ meltdown over the special counsel report:

If Only Biden Had a Brain:

Video courtesy of Bowne Report on

64 Ways the Pedophile Traitor Joe Biden Opened America’s Borders to the Illegal Invaders.

Pedophile traitor Biden’s feeble moments compilation:

Pedophile traitor Joe Biden’s most awkward gaffes of all time (part 3):

Pedophile traitor Biden’s gaffes (part 2):

Pedophile traitor Joe Biden memes (click to enlarge):

Whistleblower Gov’t Data Release Reveals Mass Murder Caused by COVID Injections.

We now have “gold standard” official government data from a New Zealand whistleblower which demonstrates that the experimental COVID injections have killed over 10 million humans worldwide. All parties involved in the clot shot rollout have ignored the data, and refuse to examine or analyze the data. The reason is simple: if they acknowledge the data, they will have no choice but to stop the promotion of the kill shots, or they will be held criminally liable for the mass murder of humans worldwide.

To be absolutely clear, YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT IS INTENTIONALLY LETTING YOU DIE. Worse, YOUR GOVERNMENT IS USING YOUR OWN MONEY TO PROMOTE THE DEATHS OF YOUR CITIZENS. Worse still, your government is censoring the truth about their kill shots, and arresting and demonizing those who speak the truth. And, Big Pharma has been caught controlling online criticism of their experimental kill shots.

Have you heard about Navy Lt. Ted Macie, who exposed DoD data revealing heart failure among pilots is up 973% since the kill shot rollout? Probably not, since we no longer have a real investigative media in America. That’s because slaves don’t need to know truth. You just need to serve your master until death. And your death is manipulated by your master.

Foreigner fascist covidiot virtue signals taking the kill shot. Courtesy of Chris Pableo/Facebook.
Foreigner fascist covidiot virtue signals taking the kill shot. Courtesy of Chris Pableo/Facebook.

This is NOT hyberbole. The COVID injections are increasing the death rate of humans worldwide. If you took any of the experimental COVID injections, you are already marked for death. The more injections you took, the higher your chances of early death. And frankly, by demonstrating your blind allegiance to Big Pharma’s experiment, you proved that you are a mental slave to fake news, who can’t even act in his own best interest. You are just plain stupid, and you deserve whatever you get as a result.

Watch MIT speech by Steve Kirsch on 11/30/2023 in which he shares the analysis of the data to expose the worldwide COVID injection mass murder that is ongoing:

Video (link) starts at 13:48, scroll to that point if it starts from the beginning.

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.” (Edward Snowden)

The following video is courtesy of