The pedophile traitor appeared on TV tonight to repond to the special counsel report. The pedophile traitor took questions from the press pool. He acted like a senile old man, easy to anger, a dottering old mushmouth fool. Then the pedophile traitor drifted out of consciousness and confused Mexico with Egypt and eventually trailed off as he shit his diaper.
Here’s Mark Dice’s take on the pedophile traitor Joe Biden’s fiasco special counsel response:
Pedophile traitor Joe Biden is the illegitimate figurehead of the communist coup takeover of America in 2020. We are now an occupied nation controlled by domestic traitors and globalist vermin. And pedophile traitor Joe Biden is too feeble to prosecute. Fuck that.
FUCK PEDOPHILE TRAITOR JOE BIDEN. America should arrest this scumbag, and prosecute this piece of shit for his many crimes against the United States. FUCK PEDOPHILE TRAITOR JOE BIDEN.
Mark Dice reports on pedophile traitor Democrats’ meltdown over the special counsel report:
Tucker Carlson’s online show on Twitter show gets WAY more views than his former Fox News channel show ever got. Strike him down and he becomes more powerful than ever.
Democrat traitor, and corrupt and incompetent governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, is a mass murderer of NJ’s veterans. Rather than arresting, prosecuting, and lawfully executing this traitor scumbag for mass murder, NJ taxpayers got to foot the bill to the tune of more than $53 million for Phil Murphy’s mass murder of its veterans. This lawless sack of shit should have his family assets seized to reimburse the NJ taxpayers for his mass murder. But there is zero accountability for the corrupt government of New Jersey.
What the fuck is this fucking bullshit? Tyrant Murphy has weaponized government against its citizens over the fake news flu. It’s time for all citizen patriots to take up the call against these criminal traitors in government.
The Civil War-2 has begun, and patriots need to strike back. Corrupt piece of shit Phil fucking Murphy should be apprehended and prosecuted for the COVID-19 geriatric genocide he caused, and for his violation of every resident’s Constitutional rights with unlawful actions regarding weightless COVID-19 orders. This tyranny cannot go unanswered.
It is vitally important that every patriot stand up against this tyranny NOW. Corrupt traitor Phil Murphy has signaled to his leftist minions that they are safe to violate New Jerseyans’ rights, just like he has. They will come for YOU next!!
At this very moment, a leftist army is amassing within New Jersey’s borders. And local retards and/or traitors have been observed signaling their support for the anti-American opposition coming to destroy our decent, lawful way of life.
Beware of your scumbag traitor neighbors displaying support for the racist, marxist, terrorists of Black Lives Matter (BLM). BLM and its supporters are ignorant traitors. These very dangerous people are a cancer that has taken hold in the Pascack Valley. Here’s an example of this fascist stupidity in Park Ridge, NJ:
Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.
This direct local support for terrorists only serves to bolster the leftist army to harass and abuse all New Jersey patriots and supporters of freedom. The police can’t help you when the Civil War-2 goes hot. It may already be too late to prepare. Leftist attacks have already begun. How long before Phil Murphy and his scumbag terrorists come to your door?
Take a look at what BLM terrorists have in store for you. Trust us, you can’t handle what they do to you after dark.
#New… Park Ridge police arrest a Starbucks worker for spitting in the coffee of cops. Kevin Trejo of Westwood is facing charges.
Kevin Trejo earns his 15 minutes of fame, and a lifetime of infamy, for being a sissy leftist terrorist who was outsmarted by the local fucking police!! What a loser retard. The cops are real dumb. Looks like he’s on the wrong side of the wall, too!!
Gurbir Grewal is just a loser immigrant with a chip on his shoulder because all the white kids made fun of him in middle school (and probably beyond). Haha. What do you expect when you wear a towel on your fucking head in AMERICA. Fuck off, foreigner weirdo.
"Sign City" is the Hub of the Pascack Valley, Bergen County, New Jersey, 07675.
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