Tag Archives: NJ

Mass Murderer Phil Murphy Sets His Sights on Unborn Babies.

Democrat traitor, and corrupt and incompetent governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, is a mass murderer of NJ’s veterans. Rather than arresting, prosecuting, and lawfully executing this traitor scumbag for mass murder, NJ taxpayers got to foot the bill to the tune of more than $53 million for Phil Murphy’s mass murder of its veterans. This lawless sack of shit should have his family assets seized to reimburse the NJ taxpayers for his mass murder. But there is zero accountability for the corrupt government of New Jersey.

Not content with geriatric genocide, mass murderer Phil Murphy has set his sights on unlawfully killing unborn babies. Fuck Phil Murphy. His cunt mother should have aborted him.

Scumbag traitor cops violate Jersey man’s constitutional rights.

Because some sissy attorney named James Maggs felt “alarmed” by another man, the cops get to steal the man’s guns and ammo. What a buncha fucking assholes who get to violate your constitutional rights because someone has hurt feelings.

And the cultural suicide of America continues…

The lesson of this story is: don’t sue people; just get even, any way that suits you. The law is not there to help you. The only way to get justice when you have been wronged is to go out there and get justice for yourself.