Tag Archives: civil rights

SCOTUS Rebukes Anti-Trump Lawfare in Unanimous Decision.

SCOTUS unanimously ruled that the pedophile traitor liberals can’t take Donald Trump off the ballot. What’s next?

For the next few days, the pedophile traitor fake news will try to spin the decision, and the pedophile traitor liberals’ heads will explode. They all live in a fantasy world, fuck ’em. The Trump Derangement Syndrome that rots their ignorant brains is incurable and fatal. Most liberals will die by the hand of their own stupidity. Good riddance to them all.

Beyond that, the captured traitor government will continue its lawfare against conservative patriots and Trump, the government traitors will ensure numerous fase flags that they blame on conservative patriots, the traitor government will start a war, a summer of Democrat race riots, another false pandemic, final economic collapse, and a suspension of the fall election to ensure that the captured government remains in the hands of foreigners and traitors, completing the enslavement of all Americans to the biomedical depopulation operation.

One thing is absolutely certain: there can be no coexistence with the pedophile traitors of America. Either the pedophile traitors and their followers are politically destroyed and excised, or America is destroyed.

The treason that must immediately be undone is to RELEASE THE JANUARY 6TH POLITICAL PRISONERS.

Scumbag traitor cops violate Jersey man’s constitutional rights.

Because some sissy attorney named James Maggs felt “alarmed” by another man, the cops get to steal the man’s guns and ammo. What a buncha fucking assholes who get to violate your constitutional rights because someone has hurt feelings.

And the cultural suicide of America continues…

The lesson of this story is: don’t sue people; just get even, any way that suits you. The law is not there to help you. The only way to get justice when you have been wronged is to go out there and get justice for yourself.

Upper Saddle River Police are Targeting Jews.

Unlike most North Jersey municipal courts that are disproportionately filled with various minority defendants who are mostly black and hispanic, the Upper Saddle River (USR) Municipal Court (New Jersey) is filled with JEWS.  Need proof? Head over to the USR Municipal Court which meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:00 pm.

How does this happen? It seems likely that the USR police department is targeting and ticketing Jews who drive through the municipality. How can the USR cops know that a motorist is a Jew? Just go to court, they’re easy to spot.

All of this implies that the USR police chief Patrick Rotella, USR municipal court judge Harry D. Norton Jr., municipal court prosecutor Michael Kingman, and the boro council who employs the aforementioned are all complicit in this racial/religious bias targeting.

If you are a Jew driving through Upper Saddle River, NJ, you should know that you have a giant target on you.  You might want to avoid driving through USR.

The aforementioned USR people/entities are turds.