Tag Archives: coronavirus

Phil Murphy is a criminal tyrant scumbag and MUST be stopped NOW.

What the fuck is this fucking bullshit? Tyrant Murphy has weaponized government against its citizens over the fake news flu. It’s time for all citizen patriots to take up the call against these criminal traitors in government.

Let’s mobilize, people, this treason cannot go unanswered. Folks, Atilis Gym in Belmawr NJ NEEDS OUR HELP.

The Civil War-2 has begun, and patriots need to strike back. Corrupt piece of shit Phil fucking Murphy should be apprehended and prosecuted for the COVID-19 geriatric genocide he caused, and for his violation of every resident’s Constitutional rights with unlawful actions regarding weightless COVID-19 orders. This tyranny cannot go unanswered.


It is vitally important that every patriot stand up against this tyranny NOW. Corrupt traitor Phil Murphy has signaled to his leftist minions that they are safe to violate New Jerseyans’ rights, just like he has. They will come for YOU next!!

At this very moment, a leftist army is amassing within New Jersey’s borders. And local retards and/or traitors have been observed signaling their support for the anti-American opposition coming to destroy our decent, lawful way of life.

Beware of your scumbag traitor neighbors displaying support for the racist, marxist, terrorists of Black Lives Matter (BLM). BLM and its supporters are ignorant traitors. These very dangerous people are a cancer that has taken hold in the Pascack Valley.  Here’s an example of this fascist stupidity in Park Ridge, NJ:

Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.
Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.

This direct local support for terrorists only serves to bolster the leftist army to harass and abuse all New Jersey patriots and supporters of freedom. The police can’t help you when the Civil War-2 goes hot. It may already be too late to prepare. Leftist attacks have already begun. How long before Phil Murphy and his scumbag terrorists come to your door?

Take a look at what BLM terrorists have in store for you. Trust us, you can’t handle what they do to you after dark.

Kevin Trejo earns his 15 minutes of fame, and a lifetime of infamy, for being a sissy leftist terrorist who was outsmarted by the local fucking police!! What a loser retard. The cops are real dumb. Looks like he’s on the wrong side of the wall, too!!

Facts matter as the COVID-19 hoax is exposed.

The fake news flu is nothing more than a false reality. It’s as false as the shampeachment, Ukraine quid pro no, Russian collusion delusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, kids in cages, Jussie Smollett hate hoax…

The fake news paints a neverending canvas of false reality for the sheeple to follow. And boy, do they follow–like lambs to the slaughter.

Facts matter. And even though the fake news has thrown the fake news race riot into the mix, we will still have a reckoning about the COVID-19 false flag hoax. A new Swiss study has all the deets about the fake news flu hoax. In short, the response has been both incorrect and disproportionate to the threat.

Anthony Fauci explains that you should not wear a mask.

Wearing a mask to stop a flu virus is like trying to stop dust with a chain link fence. Masks are a placebo. They do not protect you from any virus. Masks are porous and virus particles are really small. Don’t be dumb. Don’t wear a mask. You are just sheeple herded by the fake news media as part of the psy-op into wearing masks.

Of course, this truth will be censored by the tyrants at YouTube, but you can still view it at free speech alternatives Bitchute and Brighteon.

Are you still having trouble understanding why masks are useless against a virus? Understood—it’s tough when you’ve been dumbed down by the din of fake news clown world all your life.

Try this one. Air molecules are able to pass thru the mask material. That’s why you can breath thru it. Therefore, the mask material is porous. Gas molecules are really small and can fit thru the openings in the mask material. Ok, now, virus particles are even smaller than gas molecules. A LOT smaller. So, virus particles can easily pass thru the mask material—even easier than air can.

A mask cannot stop air. A mask cannot stop virus particles. It’s all just part of the false reality brainwashing we are subject to every day of our lives. Even those of who can clearly see it, are nonetheless subject to the nonsense because of the sheeple who react to the fake news programming. It’s a special kind of hell to be a part of. Wake up people!! None of this is real.

The Montreal Gazette explains why masks don’t work:

  • The coronavirus is spread through tiny microdroplets emitted through coughs and sneezes that float through the air, or rest on surfaces and can remain infectious for several days. Standard flat surgical masks don’t give full coverage, so very small droplets suspended in the air can still get through.
  • If a person’s hand has come in contact with the virus, and they touch their mask to adjust it in the vicinity of their eyes, nose and mouth, it can transmit the disease.
  • Masks get saturated with moisture from the mouth and nose after about 20 minutes. Once they’re wet, they no longer form a barrier against viruses trying to come through or exit.

COVID-19 death rate is six times higher in Democrat states.

As of the publishing of this article, we have calculated that those living in Republican states have a 0.01% chance of dying from COVID-19, while those living in Democrat states have a 0.06% chance of dying from COVID-19. There are six times as many deaths in Democrat states than in Republican states!!!

This was determined by assembling a list of ten Democrat states and ten Republican states of comparable total population as retrieved from Census.gov.

Then, the total COVID-19 deaths for each state were retrieved as reported by Worldometers.info.

The data, current as of 5/26/2020, and calculations are summarized here.

COVID-19 death rate is six times higher in Democrat states.

Hypothesis: Democrat governors are part of the fake news flu hoax for purely political reasons. They are responsible for enhancing the deaths in their states to harm president Trump’s reelection this fall. Democrat governors are traitors who killed American citizens for political purposes. Democrat governors are domestic terrorists who should be investigated, tried, convicted, and executed per US law.

Prove us wrong.

New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal should shut the fuck up about COVID “orders.”

Hey you towelhead foreigner, shut the fuck up and stop threatening NJ citizens over idiot governor Phil Murphy’s unconstitutional and invalid COVID orders. THOSE ORDERS ARE NOT LAW. THE NJ GOVERNOR DOES NOT HAVE CARTE BLANCHE TO VIOLATE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS with invalid orders.

Gurbir Grewal is just a loser immigrant with a chip on his shoulder because all the white kids made fun of him in middle school (and probably beyond). Haha. What do you expect when you wear a towel on your fucking head in AMERICA. Fuck off, foreigner weirdo.

Grewal is also the foreigner traitor being sued by the federal gov’t over sanctuary city/state policies. He is a Trojan horse terrorist.

NJ governor Phil Murphy is a phucking retard.

The moron Phil Murphy is talking about a return to normal after a coronavirus vaccine. There has been a flu vaccine for more than half a century and the flu is still a problem! The guy is a fucking retard.

This is the same retard who tells you to wear a mask to protect from COVID19, but didn’t think to distribute them to prisoners instead of letting the criminals loose on our streets!

Also the same asshole who caused more than half the NJ coronavirus deaths by putting COVID patients into our nursing homes! What a degenerate scumbag Phil Murphy is.

That fucking piece of shit should immediately and lawfully be tried, convicted, and executed for treason. Hopefully, one of his armed security detail will be the hero and take care of that for all of us.

Update 5/21: Here is this traitor again harassing a NJ gym owner trying to lawfully conduct business. If these guys assemble a militia to move against this unlawful government, Mr. Westwood will be there! The civil war is imminent, folks.

The highest COVID19 deaths are in states run by Democrat governors. ​
The highest COVID19 deaths are in states run by Democrat governors.
The highest COVID19 deaths are in states run by Democrat governors.
The highest COVID19 deaths are in states run by Democrat governors.

Dr. Birx explains how they inflate COVID-19 deaths to spread fear to control you

It’s a pretty simple scam: call all deaths COVID-19 deaths to defraud the government for stimulus money and to cause fear so you are easily controlled. Dr. Birx and others explain the scam in their own words.

The censorship tyrants over at YouTube will eventually censor the above video off their platform. Luckily you can still view it at free speech platforms like Bitchute and Brighteon.

Local businesses are committing suicide

Tried to hit up Harmon’s and K-Mart for the first time in a few weeks the other morning around 9am. Weekday, at 9am, BOTH stores should be open for business.

Employees were inside both stores, but the stores weren’t open!! Harmon opens at 10am and K-Mart at 11am!! On a weekday. Wtf? Employees getting paid to sit around in a closed, empty store, with pocket cash ready to spend. They probably taking stimulus money to pay their employees while the store remains closed at normal business hours. Ponderous.

Worse yet, many stores just shut down completely 7 weeks ago!! Try to get Chinese takeout in the Pascack Valley. You got that one shit place in Emerson that looks like it might have reopened recently. Crap parking right there, not sure about the food. If you’re jonesin, hit up Chen’s Yummy House in Dumont. They rock, and they’re open!!

So yeah, all you morons who closed down your businesses, wtf are you thinking? Get back to fucking work you assholes. The fucking flu is nothing new. Don’t you remember all the other scam flus the fake news pulled on you? Oy, you idiots need to do some research. You real dumb. You keep following the fake news narrative.

In short, the fake news flu bullshit is over. It’s over. Take the fag rag masks off your dumb faces, and get back to fucking work. Or don’t. It’s your choice to live in fear. Don’t let the mainstream media make the choice for you. The flu is a part of life. Act like you remember that fact.

Oh, and that pocket money got spent at the big box store who offered bulk supplies, at a better price, with free shipping, all ordered as easy as pie. You shoulda kept your stores open, local businesses. You’re basically proving yourselves to be nonessential. So long. It was nice while it lasted.

UPDATE 5/21: as the COVID19 hoax winds down, looks like New Jade and Peking House in Hillsdale are open for take-out.