Hackensack court records indicate that a lawsuit was filed on February 6, 2013 against architect Vincent J. Cioffi of 123 Westwood Avenue, Westwood, New Jersey. The Complaint alleges breach of contract, breach of implied at law covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and violation of New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.
According to the Complaint, the complainant, a senior citizen, prepaid Cioffi money for the first phase of an architectural services project for work at his residence in November, 2012. The Complaint alleges that Cioffi subsequently failed to provide the complainant with any usable services or work product as an architect, failed to confer any benefit on complainant, and failed or refused to communicate with the complainant.
The Complaint also alleges that Cioffi later represented to the complainant in January, 2013 that he would return the complainant’s money, but failed to do so.
The Complaint further alleges that Cioffi came recommended to the complainant by the Chairman of the Westwood Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Westwood Borough website identifies its Zoning Board Chairman as William Martin.
Court records indicate that Cioffi defaulted on February 25, 2013 by failing to show up in Court.
The above account concerning chairman Martin and architect Cioffi highlights the downside of giving any money at all to an architect prior to the satisfactory completion of your project and all inspections. You should also consider ordering a lawsuit search from a company such as Superior Information Services against any architect or contractor that you contemplate hiring