Tag Archives: terrorism

WW3 Watch: CIA Kicks off Election Year With False Flag Attack on Russia.

Arguably, World War 3 began on Friday, March 13, 2000, when world govenments, in lockstep, attacked their citizens with COVID tyranny in response to a false pandemic. The global enslavement and extermination operation that began on FRIDAY THE 13TH 2000 will forever be the real World War 3, but is more appropriately named the COVID War.

But since fake news dominates the world of the sheeple slaves, World War 3 has yet to occur. With a senile traitor as White House resident, and an illegitimate government of traitors attacking both domestically and internationally, we don’t have long to wait.

The CIA has kicked off the 2024 presidential election season by funding and coordinating a false flag terror attack in Russia on 3/22/2024.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on banned.video.

BLM terrorism arrives in Wisconsin.

Once again, people showing support for BLM (Black Lives Matter) are supporting domestic terrorism. That is not freedom of speech, it’s treason. This cancer must be purged from existence before it engulfs all of us.

Here is what happens when you let the monkeys out of the zoo in Kenosha Wisconsin:

Watch Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists assault and rob people in Portland, Oregon.

If you are not already aware, Black Lives Matter (aka BLM) is a racist, Communist, domestic terror organization. It’s not a cute little virtue signal to display support for BLM–it is support of terrorism.

Take your head out of your ass and take a look at what’s in store for all of us under leftist extremist leadership, and the violent fascism of BLM. Please follow real news from independent journalists like Jorge Ventura and Drew Hernandez.

Phil Murphy is a criminal tyrant scumbag and MUST be stopped NOW.

What the fuck is this fucking bullshit? Tyrant Murphy has weaponized government against its citizens over the fake news flu. It’s time for all citizen patriots to take up the call against these criminal traitors in government.

Let’s mobilize, people, this treason cannot go unanswered. Folks, Atilis Gym in Belmawr NJ NEEDS OUR HELP.

The Civil War-2 has begun, and patriots need to strike back. Corrupt piece of shit Phil fucking Murphy should be apprehended and prosecuted for the COVID-19 geriatric genocide he caused, and for his violation of every resident’s Constitutional rights with unlawful actions regarding weightless COVID-19 orders. This tyranny cannot go unanswered.


It is vitally important that every patriot stand up against this tyranny NOW. Corrupt traitor Phil Murphy has signaled to his leftist minions that they are safe to violate New Jerseyans’ rights, just like he has. They will come for YOU next!!

At this very moment, a leftist army is amassing within New Jersey’s borders. And local retards and/or traitors have been observed signaling their support for the anti-American opposition coming to destroy our decent, lawful way of life.

Beware of your scumbag traitor neighbors displaying support for the racist, marxist, terrorists of Black Lives Matter (BLM). BLM and its supporters are ignorant traitors. These very dangerous people are a cancer that has taken hold in the Pascack Valley.  Here’s an example of this fascist stupidity in Park Ridge, NJ:

Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.
Ignorant traitor BLM support in Park Ridge, NJ.

This direct local support for terrorists only serves to bolster the leftist army to harass and abuse all New Jersey patriots and supporters of freedom. The police can’t help you when the Civil War-2 goes hot. It may already be too late to prepare. Leftist attacks have already begun. How long before Phil Murphy and his scumbag terrorists come to your door?

Take a look at what BLM terrorists have in store for you. Trust us, you can’t handle what they do to you after dark.

Kevin Trejo earns his 15 minutes of fame, and a lifetime of infamy, for being a sissy leftist terrorist who was outsmarted by the local fucking police!! What a loser retard. The cops are real dumb. Looks like he’s on the wrong side of the wall, too!!

Another scumbag muzzie terrorist successfully carries out deadly attack on US soil.

Why are we still letting any muslim vermin into our country? Actually, it’s a coordinated effort by the globalists to flood our country with foreigners to replace whites and collapse the US and eradicate our sovereignty.

Anyhoo, this scumbag muslim Mohammed (whatever the faggot’s name is) took the dick out of his mouth and murdered six US military members in Pensacola, Fl. Several of his buddies filmed this terrorist attack as it happened.

What’s that? The mainstream media isn’t reporting about this? Yeah, that’s probably because orange man is still bad. But if you can get your head out of your ass and seek out some real news, you would learn that we are still letting this muzzie vermin into our country 19 years after 9/11. This is fucking cultural suicide. Goodbye America.

What’s America hiding about 9/11? An inside job, that’s what.

If you’re still a sheeple brainwashed by the lies of corporate media and/or you haven’t been paying attention, then start your research here with Loose Change.

This isn’t fake news, folks. The Federal government is complicit in the 9/11 false flag event. Let’s take back our government from the traitors!!

Also check out ae911truth.org and 911truth.org.

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay massacre is a foreign attack coverup.

The official narrative is that a lone gunman with no motive carried out this insane attack. That is a lie. And as usual, the US government covered up the truth.

The truth is that Saudi islamic vermin killed American citizens on our own soil–again.

Yet, islamic vermin operate with impunity from every level of government in America today. Who sold out to the muslims? The people who hide the truth from us may have the answer.

Take the red pill today:

Lawless in New Jersey.

Maybe we are too used to lawlessness in the United States.  After 8 years of the traitor Obama, who could blame us? Even in New Jersey, we watched the flabby governor Christie twisting in the wind as his criminal activities were aired during the Bridgegate news coverage and trials.

Our courts are just as lawless.  Judges across the state, and the country, make rulings according to their whims, not according to the law. Judicial ethics offices run interference on judicial complaints so that the complaints are never successfully investigated.

The police are just as free to violate the law with impunity.  Internal affairs offices run interference on behalf of dirty officers to make sure complaints are never given proper attention. Be thankful if you were lucky enough to be born white–at least you are less likely to wind up dead from an interaction with the police.

It seems that there is not enough institutional lawlessness in New Jersey for a number of our Democratic mayors. These anti-American asshole mayors have declared their cities to be illegal immigrant sanctuaries. The only good news is that these cities are total shitholes that nobody in their right mind would want to visit.

Nevertheless, these lawless city mayors have declared that they will not allow enforcement of our federal immigration laws in their cities. These lawless cities and municipalities are:

Propsect Park, NJ Mayor Mohamed Khairullah.

Prospect Park, NJ Mayor Mohamed Khairullah.

Mayor Mohamed Khairullah of Prospect Park, a Syrian refugee who arrived in the United States in 1991, recently signed an executive order establishing Prospect Park as a sanctuary city.  He said “I felt that the president’s executive order did not reflect the values of our country.” (source: NorthJersey.com).

Well Mohamed, what values do our federal immigration laws not reflect? You know what, FUCK YOU.  You weren’t even born in America you asshole.

This is why we shouldn’t allow foreigners, legal or not, to hold any public office in our country.  They come here looking to change the system to benefit their fellow foreigners, willfully disregard our laws, then purport to know something that we don’t know about our own history, values, and culture.  If this looks like trojan horse terrorism, then it probably is.

We’re sure Mohamed’s native Syrian culture loves the idea of lawlessness in the US. We’re sure his Syrian culture loves the idea of not abiding by federal laws meant to protect our legitimate citizens. We’re sure he is seen as a hero to people in his native Syrian culture for defying US law by making his city a sanctuary for illegals. Well, we don’t see it that way.

Mayor Mohamed Khairullah of Prospect Park is a traitor to this country. His US citizenship should be revoked and he should be deported back to Syria where their values are consistent with his. His actions violate US law, create unreasonable financial burdens on every NJ taxpayer, and put every citizen at risk.

Related: “Terrorist Supporting” Muslim Mayor Declares Another Sanctuary City in New Jersey.

This is a call to all legitimate US citizens to boycott NJ’s sanctuary cities. You weren’t going to go into those shitholes anyway, so you have to take further action.  Demand that we follow the law, demand the removal of lawless traitors in government, demand that illegals get out of our country!

Did you notice who is missing from that list of sanctuary cities? Where’s Paterson and Camden?? Leave comments with additional NJ municipalities that are plagued with illegal foreigners. Better yet, just call ICE and report the illegals.