Tag Archives: fake news flu

WW3 Watch: CIA Kicks off Election Year With False Flag Attack on Russia.

Arguably, World War 3 began on Friday, March 13, 2000, when world govenments, in lockstep, attacked their citizens with COVID tyranny in response to a false pandemic. The global enslavement and extermination operation that began on FRIDAY THE 13TH 2000 will forever be the real World War 3, but is more appropriately named the COVID War.

But since fake news dominates the world of the sheeple slaves, World War 3 has yet to occur. With a senile traitor as White House resident, and an illegitimate government of traitors attacking both domestically and internationally, we don’t have long to wait.

The CIA has kicked off the 2024 presidential election season by funding and coordinating a false flag terror attack in Russia on 3/22/2024.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on banned.video.

COVID-19: Don’t Let Them Off The Hook.

Every one of the covidiot tyrants should be very afraid. It will not be a surprise when the time comes that they are all tracked down and held accountable for their treason. They all must suffer severe consequenses for their crimes against humanity over the hoax flu pandemic, and their participation in the global enslavement and extermination operation. Start by arresting mass murderer Anthony Fauci.

John Stossel reports:

Whistleblower Gov’t Data Release Reveals Mass Murder Caused by COVID Injections.

We now have “gold standard” official government data from a New Zealand whistleblower which demonstrates that the experimental COVID injections have killed over 10 million humans worldwide. All parties involved in the clot shot rollout have ignored the data, and refuse to examine or analyze the data. The reason is simple: if they acknowledge the data, they will have no choice but to stop the promotion of the kill shots, or they will be held criminally liable for the mass murder of humans worldwide.

To be absolutely clear, YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT IS INTENTIONALLY LETTING YOU DIE. Worse, YOUR GOVERNMENT IS USING YOUR OWN MONEY TO PROMOTE THE DEATHS OF YOUR CITIZENS. Worse still, your government is censoring the truth about their kill shots, and arresting and demonizing those who speak the truth. And, Big Pharma has been caught controlling online criticism of their experimental kill shots.

Have you heard about Navy Lt. Ted Macie, who exposed DoD data revealing heart failure among pilots is up 973% since the kill shot rollout? Probably not, since we no longer have a real investigative media in America. That’s because slaves don’t need to know truth. You just need to serve your master until death. And your death is manipulated by your master.

Foreigner fascist covidiot virtue signals taking the kill shot. Courtesy of Chris Pableo/Facebook.
Foreigner fascist covidiot virtue signals taking the kill shot. Courtesy of Chris Pableo/Facebook.

This is NOT hyberbole. The COVID injections are increasing the death rate of humans worldwide. If you took any of the experimental COVID injections, you are already marked for death. The more injections you took, the higher your chances of early death. And frankly, by demonstrating your blind allegiance to Big Pharma’s experiment, you proved that you are a mental slave to fake news, who can’t even act in his own best interest. You are just plain stupid, and you deserve whatever you get as a result.

Watch MIT speech by Steve Kirsch on 11/30/2023 in which he shares the analysis of the data to expose the worldwide COVID injection mass murder that is ongoing:

Video (link) starts at 13:48, scroll to that point if it starts from the beginning.

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.” (Edward Snowden)

The following video is courtesy of banned.video.

The Communist Democrat Traitors Start the 2024 Election Steal TODAY With the Next False Pandemic.

Stolen elections have consequences. The idiot sheeple did nothing in 2020 as false pandemic fear porn put them into a state of helplessness. The sheeple just rolled over and allowed administrative tyrants to shutter their businesses and schools, to restrict their movement, to force idiotic masks on them, and to coerce them into taking experimental poison flu injections. The sheeple willingly signed on to the new religion of their ultimate demise: the covidiot cult. To signal your allegiance to the covidiot cult, the disgusting and unhealthy face diaper was required.

It didn’t matter that the flu is not deadly.

It didn’t matter that a mask doesn’t protect you from the flu.

It didn’t matter that flu masks are harmful to your health.

The truth didn’t matter to Communist Democrat traitors, or to their fake news zombie sheeple, both of whom are untethered from reality.

All that mattered was the theft of an election to take power.

The Communist Democrat traitors used the fake news flu false pandemic to steal the 2020 election, while the fake news sheeple did nothing to stop them. Now the coup traitors are in charge of the downfall of America. Fun fact: traitors don’t give up power peacefully, and you can’t vote your way out of tyranny.

Today, the 2024 election theft begins with the implementation of unlawful and unscientific mask mandates, and other flu restrictions, at TWO upstate New York hospitals. Let the fear porn begin!!

When you give your rights away to a corrupt government over a manufactured crisis, you guarantee that the corrupt government will create more crises to take your rights away. This is why the government tries so hard to disarm the population. They are doing things that you would shoot at them over!!!

Wake up, sheeple. You have been marked for death by your own government. We are weeks away from the next false pandemic. As the next administrative genocide is rolled out, consider what your complicity will get you. It’s YOUR DEATH, you fucking idiot. Wake the fuck up.



One more fun fact for the idiot sheeple slaves: by definition, climate doesn’t change, weather changes. NOT the climate.

Click image to view.

Courtesy of Greg Reese at banned.com.

NJ Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver, Who Pushed to Require Flu Vaccination, Succumbs to Died Suddenly Syndrome.

Fascist NJ Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver was a proponent of the experimental poison COVID flu injections, and in 2001 she called to “require vaccination.” She has now died suddenly.

“Died suddenly” is the new syndrome that is sweeping the nation, and the world, among people who took the poison COVID injections that are ironically and improperly call “vaccines” by the fake news zombies.

The experimental poison flu injections are not in any way vaccines. The injections don’t prevent flu infection, they don’t prevent flu transmission, they don’t prevent hospitalization, and they have killed or maimed more people than the relatively harmless flu virus, which has a greater than 99.7% survival rate among the healthy population.

For those of you living under a rock, or who are fake news zombies living in a false reality, here’s a sampling of the sudden injured/dead Big Pharma guinea pigs in recent history:

Remember when they tried that pandemic of the unvaccinated bullshit to coerce the holdouts to take the poison flu injections? That was cute. Now all the Big Pharma guinea pig sheeple are dropping dead in an epidemic that far exceeds the inflated flu deaths during the height of the false pandemic. Is the fake news talking about any of this? Nope. Bye, sheeple.

The Face of Covid Fascism in the Pascack Valley.

Never forget what the fascist covidiot cultists did to scare and coerce you into their retarded false pandemic religion. They were wrong about EVERYTHING. The masks don’t stop the flu, distancing doesn’t stop the flu, the experimental poison injections don’t stop the flu, closing schools and businesses doesn’t stop the flu—NOTHING stops the flu. NOTE: we are talking about a flu with a survival rate greater than 99% for most of the healthy population.

According to the corrupt CDC, COVID-19 deaths for the US since 2020 are 0.3% on this date.
Even if we use the corrupt CDC COVID death numbers, we arrive at a death percentage since 2020 of less than 1%, actually 0.3% as of this date (1,135,919 deaths/335,151,000 US population). This means that the COVID survival rate is AT LEAST 99.7% overall.

But covidiot cultists never stopped pretending that the pandemic was real (it wasn’t) and that they had all the answers, and the power, to force your submission to their idiotic demands (they didn’t). If you capitulated to the demands of the fascist covidiot cultists, you are a weak, stupid asshole. YOU gave the covidiot liars the power to continue the false pandemic for years, instead of weeks. YOUR capitulation ruined the economy, society, and a generation of children, who will be easier to enslave as the Communist Democrats continue their takedown of America.

Nobody forced your compliance. YOU did whatever the covidiot cultists told you to do. YOU made it more difficult for those who refused to comply with the covidiot cultists. And, YOU sent a message to the fascists that you will comply the next time they lock you down for whatever nonsensical reason they choose. YOU put us all at risk for future attacks.

But, let’s not forget the fascists among us who promoted the covid lies, and who demanded your allegiance to the covidiot cult. One local covidiot cultist has become the face of fascism in the Pascack Valley. This is Maria Palacios, from the Oradell office of quack Dr. Daniel J. Wilkin, D.O.

Fascist covidiot cultist Maria Palacios at the Oradell office of quack Dr. Daniel Wilkin, D.O.
Fascist covidiot cultist Maria Palacios at the Oradell office of quack Dr. Daniel Wilkin, D.O.

On 3/21/2023, covidiot fascist Maria Palacios refused medical treatment to a Pascack Valley resident who wouldn’t wear a surgical mask to see the doctor. Covidiot Palacios didn’t care that flu masks are ineffective against the flu. She didn’t care that wearing a flu mask is harmful to one’s health. She didn’t even care that the office didn’t have a written flu mask policy (which policy would be unscientific, unethical, and likely unlawful). Fascist covidiot Palacios just didn’t care about reality at all. All she cared about was compulsory allegiance to the retarded covidiot cult. However, the local resident refused to submit to the demands of the cult, and found a new doctor. But not before snapping this picture of the covidiot creature in the public hallway outside Daniel Wilkin’s office. BRAVO!!!

On information and belief, quack Dr. Daniel Wilkin endorses the experimental poison flu injections. These injections were proven ineffective, and dangerous, to animal subjects BEFORE the false pandemic. Since experimental mass inoculations began on humans circa 2021, the flu injections have killed or injured millions of unsuspecting people who foolishly volunteered to be Big Pharma’s guinea pigs. Similarly, universal masking was known to be ineffective against the flu BEFORE the false pandemic. Masking during the false pandemic has demonstrated great harm, with no benefit. Data from the false covid pandemic has confirmed existing science on both measures—that they are ineffective against the flu, and they are generally harmful to human health.

Quack Oradell, NJ doctor Daniel J. Wilkin, D.O.
Quack Oradell, NJ doctor Daniel J. Wilkin, D.O.

Yet, quack Dr. Daniel Wilkin, who is supposed to be a practitioner of science, endorses both measures in his office. Why would a medical doctor go against science to risk your life and health? Because he might value his paycheck more than your health.

Folks, if you have a doctor who values a paycheck more than your health, find a new doctor. And, when you encounter fascist covidiot cultists, tell them to fuck off. Take your business elsewhere. Don’t support those who don’t support you. Let the free market decide the fate of the fascist covidiot cultists. If they practice what they preach, they will put themselves out of business by taking the poison flu injections and by wearing the unhealthy flu masks. Good riddance to them all.

Fascist covidiot cultist Maria Palacios.
Fascist covidiot cultist Maria Palacios.

Video courtesy of Bowne Report.

NEVER FORGET the Pedophile Fake News Media’s Covid LIES.

The same people who lied to you about Trump-Russia collusion, are the same people who lied to you about COVID, are the same people who lied to you about the 2020 election, are the same people who lied to you about Jan. 6, are the same people who lied to you about EVERYTHING. The pedophile aligned fake news media assholes should all pay for their criminal lies. NEVER FORGET what they did to you. Get even with them any way you can. None of these people should feel safe to walk around in public.

Remain unmasked and unjected to stay healthy and alive. Let the idiot fake news sheeple kill themselves with poison flu shots and flu masks for a common flu that is not at all deadly.

Don’t Let Them Get Away With the Covid Hoax.

Video courtesy of Darrin McBreen on banned.video.

The above video features Dr. Tess Lawrie, more with her courtesy of Kristi Leigh TV on banned.video:

A great channel to follow for Covid hoax information is Peak Prosperity on YouTube (ugh):