Tag Archives: Russia

WW3 Watch: CIA Kicks off Election Year With False Flag Attack on Russia.

Arguably, World War 3 began on Friday, March 13, 2000, when world govenments, in lockstep, attacked their citizens with COVID tyranny in response to a false pandemic. The global enslavement and extermination operation that began on FRIDAY THE 13TH 2000 will forever be the real World War 3, but is more appropriately named the COVID War.

But since fake news dominates the world of the sheeple slaves, World War 3 has yet to occur. With a senile traitor as White House resident, and an illegitimate government of traitors attacking both domestically and internationally, we don’t have long to wait.

The CIA has kicked off the 2024 presidential election season by funding and coordinating a false flag terror attack in Russia on 3/22/2024.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on banned.video.

Tucker Interviews Putin.

Tucker Carlson, one of the few true journalists in America, interviews Vladimir Putin. You should watch the entire 2+ hour interview with this great leader who is taking a stand against NATO’s agression at Russia’s borders, but Greg Reese’s 6-minute summary on one issue, and other reporting, are included below.

Video courtesy of banned.video.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on banned.video.

Putin asks why America is fighting for Ukraine’s border but refuses to defend its own border.

You’re a lunatic if you think Putin’s going to give up Crimea.

Mueller Russian Collusion Delusion is a Hoax and a Big Nothingburger.

As every Trump supporter knows, and as every brainwashed sheeple liberal has denied, the Russian collusion delusion was all a lie concocted by the demonrats, under control of the Killary Klinton Kampaign, over their loss of the 2016 presidential election.

The only Russian collusion was between the Clintons and Russia. She sold them our uranium, and paid for a fake dossier, which foreign-born muslim traitor Obama used to obtain illegal surveillance warrants to spy on the Trump campaign for the loser dummycrats during the 2016 election.

Ultimately, the Russia investigation amounted to political retribution against allies of Donald Trump, and an attempted deep state coup. But, not a single instance of collusion was found among all the people harassed and coerced by Mueller and his team. None of the allegations and coerced convictions had anything to do with Russian collusion in the 2016 election.

Everyone involved with this coup should be rooted out, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for their treason. These liberal heroes are scumbag traitors.

Will the sheeple demonrats renounce their mainstream media overlords? Probably not, liberals are hopelessly lost. Their brains are too rotten from deep state government brainwashing.

Will the cows on The View shit themselves and feed upon a shit sandwich over their embarrassment? Definitely not. Anti-American mass media traitors must keep up the party line to keep all the sheeple feeding at the trough.

Let’s just be clear about one thing: you liberal globalist traitors are a shitstain on humanity, and Trojan horse enemies of America. Get in our way, and we Trump supporters will fuck you up.

The roadblocks to action have been removed. We’re coming for you, liberal globalist traitors. You are the greatest danger to the freedom of our republic. Your enslavement by the mass media is nothing compared to what we will do as we root you out of all levels of society. Your days are numbered. We are WINNING and you are fucked.

The civil war has just kicked into gear. The Trump train has already left the station. If you missed the train, you can rot in the dirt with all your treasonous cohorts.