Tag Archives: Tucker on Twitter

Tucker Interviews Putin.

Tucker Carlson, one of the few true journalists in America, interviews Vladimir Putin. You should watch the entire 2+ hour interview with this great leader who is taking a stand against NATO’s agression at Russia’s borders, but Greg Reese’s 6-minute summary on one issue, and other reporting, are included below.

Video courtesy of banned.video.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese on banned.video.

Putin asks why America is fighting for Ukraine’s border but refuses to defend its own border.

You’re a lunatic if you think Putin’s going to give up Crimea.

Joe Biden, Serial Sniffer, Geriatric Pedophile, Criminal, Traitor, and Wannabe Dictator.

Tucker Carlson’s online show on Twitter show gets WAY more views than his former Fox News channel show ever got. Strike him down and he becomes more powerful than ever.

In the fourth episode of his online show, Carlson focuses on Joe Biden, the geriatric pedophile, serial sniffer, China puppet, criminal, traitor, and wannabe dictator.

Note: Joe Biden doesn’t sniff black kids.