The pedophile traitor appeared on TV tonight to repond to the special counsel report. The pedophile traitor took questions from the press pool. He acted like a senile old man, easy to anger, a dottering old mushmouth fool. Then the pedophile traitor drifted out of consciousness and confused Mexico with Egypt and eventually trailed off as he shit his diaper.
Here’s Mark Dice’s take on the pedophile traitor Joe Biden’s fiasco special counsel response:
Pedophile traitor Joe Biden is the illegitimate figurehead of the communist coup takeover of America in 2020. We are now an occupied nation controlled by domestic traitors and globalist vermin. And pedophile traitor Joe Biden is too feeble to prosecute. Fuck that.
FUCK PEDOPHILE TRAITOR JOE BIDEN. America should arrest this scumbag, and prosecute this piece of shit for his many crimes against the United States. FUCK PEDOPHILE TRAITOR JOE BIDEN.
Mark Dice reports on pedophile traitor Democrats’ meltdown over the special counsel report:
Tucker Carlson’s online show on Twitter show gets WAY more views than his former Fox News channel show ever got. Strike him down and he becomes more powerful than ever.
At least some of our legislators are pretending that they are not traitors. Meanwhile, the Democrat controlled fake news, and all their idiot sheeple guinea pigs, completely ignore the pedophile criminal traitors leading the sabotage of America. Nothing to see here. Enjoy your enslavement.
And let’s not forget when pedophile traitor Joe Biden bragged in 2018 about his quid pro quo with Ukraine at the Council on Foreign Relations. Biden boasts how he used US aid money to have the prosecutor fired who had investigated the Ukrainian company employing his pedophile criminal son Hunter.
Creepy Joe Biden won’t make it to the election. He’s too feeble and clueless. Quid Pro Joe is just a placeholder for Crooked Hillary Clinton or some other candidate soon to be announced.
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