The Communist Democrat Traitors Start the 2024 Election Steal TODAY With the Next False Pandemic.

Stolen elections have consequences. The idiot sheeple did nothing in 2020 as false pandemic fear porn put them into a state of helplessness. The sheeple just rolled over and allowed administrative tyrants to shutter their businesses and schools, to restrict their movement, to force idiotic masks on them, and to coerce them into taking experimental poison flu injections. The sheeple willingly signed on to the new religion of their ultimate demise: the covidiot cult. To signal your allegiance to the covidiot cult, the disgusting and unhealthy face diaper was required.

It didn’t matter that the flu is not deadly.

It didn’t matter that a mask doesn’t protect you from the flu.

It didn’t matter that flu masks are harmful to your health.

The truth didn’t matter to Communist Democrat traitors, or to their fake news zombie sheeple, both of whom are untethered from reality.

All that mattered was the theft of an election to take power.

The Communist Democrat traitors used the fake news flu false pandemic to steal the 2020 election, while the fake news sheeple did nothing to stop them. Now the coup traitors are in charge of the downfall of America. Fun fact: traitors don’t give up power peacefully, and you can’t vote your way out of tyranny.

Today, the 2024 election theft begins with the implementation of unlawful and unscientific mask mandates, and other flu restrictions, at TWO upstate New York hospitals. Let the fear porn begin!!

When you give your rights away to a corrupt government over a manufactured crisis, you guarantee that the corrupt government will create more crises to take your rights away. This is why the government tries so hard to disarm the population. They are doing things that you would shoot at them over!!!

Wake up, sheeple. You have been marked for death by your own government. We are weeks away from the next false pandemic. As the next administrative genocide is rolled out, consider what your complicity will get you. It’s YOUR DEATH, you fucking idiot. Wake the fuck up.



One more fun fact for the idiot sheeple slaves: by definition, climate doesn’t change, weather changes. NOT the climate.

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Courtesy of Greg Reese at

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