Tag Archives: Pensacola

Another scumbag muzzie terrorist successfully carries out deadly attack on US soil.

Why are we still letting any muslim vermin into our country? Actually, it’s a coordinated effort by the globalists to flood our country with foreigners to replace whites and collapse the US and eradicate our sovereignty.

Anyhoo, this scumbag muslim Mohammed (whatever the faggot’s name is) took the dick out of his mouth and murdered six US military members in Pensacola, Fl. Several of his buddies filmed this terrorist attack as it happened.

What’s that? The mainstream media isn’t reporting about this? Yeah, that’s probably because orange man is still bad. But if you can get your head out of your ass and seek out some real news, you would learn that we are still letting this muzzie vermin into our country 19 years after 9/11. This is fucking cultural suicide. Goodbye America.