Tag Archives: treason

Alejandro Mayorkas is a Sex Trafficking Kingpin.

The US Secretary of Homeland Security is a traitor criminal.

Video courtesy of the Jon Bowne on banned.video.

More from Jon Bowne on the Biden border invasion:

The Pedophile Biden Crime Family Schemes That the Traitors Ignore.

At least some of our legislators are pretending that they are not traitors. Meanwhile, the Democrat controlled fake news, and all their idiot sheeple guinea pigs, completely ignore the pedophile criminal traitors leading the sabotage of America. Nothing to see here. Enjoy your enslavement.

And let’s not forget when pedophile traitor Joe Biden bragged in 2018 about his quid pro quo with Ukraine at the Council on Foreign Relations. Biden boasts how he used US aid money to have the prosecutor fired who had investigated the Ukrainian company employing his pedophile criminal son Hunter.

More on the Biden crime family from Jon Bowne on banned.video:

America Under Attack.

Stolen elections have consequences.

America is under attack by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese at banned.video.

Video courtesy of Greg Reese at banned.video.

Trannies, Pedophiles, and Groomers–Oh My.

One thing is certain about Democrats–they love their perverts and pedophiles. Those Democrats who aren’t perverts or pedophiles themselves have decided that sexual abuse of children is not a deal-breaker. When you are complicit with perverts, you ARE a pervert. When you are complicit with pedophiles, you ARE a pedophile.

Joe Biden is a senile, serial sniffing, groping, pervert. He does it in public and on camera, especially to little children who can’t get away from him fast enough.

This is how pervert Biden kisses his granddaughter.

Perverted weirdo Sam Brinton was Joe Biden’s Department of Energy official in charge of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste!! That is, until he was caught stealing women’s luggage at the airport–TWICE!! Yeah, he was in charge of radioactive waste disposal!!!

Click to enlarge

Then you have this mentally ill pervert, Richard Levine. He is Biden’s Assistant Secretary for Health. Doesn’t he look healthy?

He wants you to think that he is a woman named Rachel. He also wants you to know that changing kids’ genders will soon be normalized. Normalizing mental illness, and physically mutilating children–that sounds healthy.

He claims to be a pediatrician, but he doesn’t know that a human’s gender cannot be changed. Our “sex chromosomes” determine our gender. Males have XY sex chromosomes, and females have XX sex chromosomes.

This biological fact is taught in high school biology:

Click to enlarge.

And again in college biology:

Click to enlarge.

But mentally ill Richard Levine wants to normalize the genital mutilation and castration of children.

With so much Democrat focus on abusing children, it should come as no surprise that Democrat New York Attorney General Letitia James is hosting a “Drag Queen Story Hour” for children under 12, THIS WEEKEND.

Click to enlarge.

Don’t ask yourself why children under 12 would want to attend a drag queen event, ask yourself why would Democrat politicians and perverted men want an audience of young children for their sex show?

Liberalism is a mental disorder. And the leftist perverts are closer than you think. They are already in our schools teaching their perversions to your children, and demanding your kids’ allegiance to this mental illness.

There are gender-pretending kids in our schools, and instead of getting the mentally ill perverts some real medical care, the administration forces the entire school population to play pretend that some kid has swapped genders. As though cutting your hair and wearing jeans and a flannel can turn a girl into a boy! (Note: to our knowledge, gender dysphoria is the only mental illness clinically treated by indulging the mental illness and forcing all other people to affirm the delusions of the mentally ill)

But you better not speak out about the perverts, or mention the truth in any way, or the Democrat fascists will scramble to censor you, harass you, and label you an extremist worthy of arrest.

Folks, we are in a civil war with liberal fascist traitors in our government and media, who censor, persecute, and imprison their political opposition. Unfortunately, the brainwashed idiot sheeple are aligned with the evil enemy we are at war against.

The sheeple don’t even know we are at war!!! They are just expendable pawns already enslaved by their traitor slavemasters. They believe in lies, their whole lives are lies, and they will do anything or believe anything that their slavemasters want. The sheeple will not mount a resistance against our conquerors.

We need to understand that traitors will not go away voluntarily, and that traitors will not go away peacefully. If we don’t stand against the destructive forces occupying America, we can lose EVERYTHING. All American patriots must come together against this evil. Stay vigilant and prepared for action. The call can come at any time.

Save America from the infilTRAITORS!

More on the pedophile Democrats from Jon Bowne on banned.video:

The Deep State is in Retreat as the Truth Goes Mainstream.

You know you’re over the target when the enemy throws everything it’s got at you. Last Monday night, Tucker Carlson revealed five lies about the Jan. 6 false narrative, bolstered by video evidence kept hidden for two years by corrupt Democrat traitors. Immediately, the traitors, the deep state, and their brainwashed idiot minions, shit a brick.

Then, the deep state traitors did what fascists do: demand censorship of the truth. As a result, Tucker did not present any more Jan. 6 footage for the remainder of the week. He was silenced by the same criminal conspirators who have crafted the avalanche of lies that the idiot sheeple have stuffed down their gullets daily, for years.

The only effect of censorship is that the idiot fake news sheeple can continue to live comfortably in their false reality bubble.

The rest of us recognize the truth when we see it, and that truth has spread far and wide. Our recognition of the truth kept the masks off our faces, and kept the killer flu injections out of our bodies. We are smarter, and we are stronger than the pedophile aligned sheeple.

Meanwhile, the idiot brainwashed sheeple have been dumbed down by the incessant fake news narrative and by the poison flu injections which rot their brains as much as it rots their immune systems. The injected sheeple are dropping dead in droves, while the fake news conveniently censors that uncomfortable truth from them.

Forget about the idiot sheeple captured by the Communist fake news media. Those people are already lost. We need to move on without them. It’s easier for them to live a lie than to admit that they’ve been lied to. You can do nothing about that. They are brain dead. America is stronger without them. Good riddance!

By the end of last week, the deep state traitors rolled out the latest false flag event to distract the idiot sheeple from the exposed Jan. 6 hoax: a banking crisis to kill regional banks, to consolidate money into the big central banks, as a precursor to rolling out the central bank digital currency (cbdc), and to complete the enslavement of America.

WE THE PEOPLE will resist the Communist pedophiles trying to ruin America. The tides have turned, and the days are numbered for the criminal vermin infestation of our government, society, and media. They know what they did. They do it with purpose. There will be no amnesty for traitors to America. Might be time to invest in rope company stock.

Tucker Carlson Exposes the Lies of the Jan 6 Hoax Insurrection–Part 1.

Warning: the following information may trigger idiot liberal sheeple and fake news zombies.

Independent, rational thinkers have known for two years that criminal traitors in our government, fake news media, and society have been purveying the false narrative of an insurrection on January 6, 2021.

In reality and in fact, Jan. 6 was a premeditated criminal conspiracy against peaceful and patriotic protestors engaged in their rightful freedom to redress grievances over the criminal theft of the 2020 election.

Not only did they steal the election, but they arrested people that showed up to protest the stolen election and framed them as domestic terrorists with the help of the media.

In Part 1 of Tucker Carlson’s expose of the Jan.6 Big Lie, recently released footage from the Capital that day provides unambiguous evidence of the “deadly insurrection” false narrative.

The only downside to this footage release is that nobody is talking about the traitor pedophile Joe Biden, the stolen classified documents in his garage, his money laundering our tax dollars thru Ukraine, his illegal war against Russia, his terror attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, China spy balloons he allowed in US air space, the future superfund site he intentionally created in Palestine Ohio, his covid/mask lies, his deadly flu injections, his open borders policy, his crippling inflation, his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, his pervert-filled administration, his dimentia, his censorship of truth, and his criminal collusion with fake news media to avoid all his crimes and those of his criminal traitor son Hunter (who was discharged from the military for being a coke addict, and who fucked his dead brother’s wife).

On to the show:

Part 2 of the Fed-surrection expose airs tonight on FOX.

More on the Jan. 6 Communist coup fake news programming from Jon Bowne on banned.video:

Were You Targeted for Death by Your Government and News Media? YES, You Were.

If the goal is to vaccinate humans against the flu, the experimental gene therapy flu injections are a dismal failure.

However, if the goal is to thin out the human herd with a depopulation bioweapon, the flu injections are a success.

The VAERS database documents more than 60,000 deaths due to the experimental gene therapy flu injections. Statistical analysis of the patterns of these deaths reveals horrifying motivations of the bioweapon rollout.

COVID-19 death rate is six times higher in Democrat states.

As of the publishing of this article, we have calculated that those living in Republican states have a 0.01% chance of dying from COVID-19, while those living in Democrat states have a 0.06% chance of dying from COVID-19. There are six times as many deaths in Democrat states than in Republican states!!!

This was determined by assembling a list of ten Democrat states and ten Republican states of comparable total population as retrieved from Census.gov.

Then, the total COVID-19 deaths for each state were retrieved as reported by Worldometers.info.

The data, current as of 5/26/2020, and calculations are summarized here.

COVID-19 death rate is six times higher in Democrat states.

Hypothesis: Democrat governors are part of the fake news flu hoax for purely political reasons. They are responsible for enhancing the deaths in their states to harm president Trump’s reelection this fall. Democrat governors are traitors who killed American citizens for political purposes. Democrat governors are domestic terrorists who should be investigated, tried, convicted, and executed per US law.

Prove us wrong.