23 year old Mansfield Township Patrolman Sam Irvin collapsed and died suddenly of cardiac arrest on July 23. He was reportedly in excellent physical shape, but an autopsy revealed that he had an enlarged heart.
How much you wanna bet he took one or more of the experimental poison COVID-19 injections?
Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart) are two common effects of the experimental poison flu injections. Cancer and blood clots are two other common effects.
You know what’s NOT an effect of the experimental poison flu injections? Protection from the relatively harmless flu that has a survival rate of more than 99.7% for the majority of the population.
The stupidity of the conquered sheeple is limitless. Those who took the poison flu injections, young and old, are dropping like flies. It doesn’t matter how healthy you are, the injections are intended to kill the recipient Big Pharma guinea pigs. It’s part of the depopulation segment of the globalist plan to destabilize and conquer America to draw it under complete globalist control.
And now you know the rest of the story.