Tag Archives: Alan Dershowitz

Wow, Project Veritas exposes fake news ABC #EpsteinCoverup and Clinton pedophilia.

What can be said? The mainstream media is fake news. But this story proves that the mainstream media is complicit with pedophilia and child rape, which ABC News admittedly has had evidence of for three years.

ABC News anchor Amy Robach admits on video that she has had the goods on Epstein and the Clintons for three years, but the story was suppressed by ABC executives to protect the Clintons and other international pedophile elites. Three years ago is during the 2016 election. That is a crime called election meddling. ABC is fake news indeed.

Expose the elite international pedophile ring that ALL of our politicians are aware of. If you’re not stopping it, you’re supporting it.

Please support Project Veritas. Independent investigative journalism at its finest. Real. News.