Tag Archives: incentivized fraud

COVID19 hoax exposed as political move to scam local and federal gov’t for money by inflating deaths.

The globalist plan to tank the US economy has been exposed. The fake news corporate media sells the panic and fear, and health care “professionals” cook the numbers. The population is too stupid to ask questions and the fake news is happy to keep you in the dark because FEAR SELLS and you’re real dumb and easy to manipulate.

The health care scam works like this. Hospitals are closed except to COVID patients. This is not sustainable and hospitals are losing massive amounts of money. You understand that money is everything to these places, right?

Ok, so assuming you understand that, you’re not a total idiot. Here’s how the hospital can recoup this serious loss of revenue: scam the government for money. It’s called incentivized fraud.

USA Today fact check: hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID19, on ventilators.

The fact is, under the CARES stimulus act, hospitals get a premium if a patient is listed as COVID-19 ($13,000 premium, in fact!!!) and a triple premium if on a ventilator (a whopping $39,000 premium!!). It is a fact that some states rely on presumptive case numbers. Presumptive means a low-quality field test subject to excessive false positives. A confirmative laboratory test is required to confirm diagnosis. Would a corrupt, mismanaged state like New York use presumptive numbers to scam millions from the Feds? Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. They are. Here’s a compilation of evidence speaking to this exact scam:

The slimeball censorship vermin at YouTube will surely censor this truth from their platform. But you can still watch it at free speech platforms like Brighteon and Bitchute.

NYC has three problems: Andrew Cuomo, Chuck Schumer and Bill DeBlasio.