Tag Archives: Thayne Whipple

Top Mueller witness and convicted child molester indicted for funneling foreign money to Clinton, Schiff, and other top Senate Democrats.

The mainstream media won’t report on this because they only want you to hear about the shampeachment and orange man bad. You’re an idiot if you have paid any attention to that crap.

Here’s the real news: on Friday, Bill Barr indicted eight for illegally funneling foreign money to top Senate Democrats including Crooked Hillary Clinton and the seditious pencilneck Adam Schiff, two evil scumbag fucks.

George Nader, a recidivist pedophile, has worked with the US government for years.

The mainstream media won’t report on this, because they are deep-state Democrat-controlled propaganda. Nevertheless, here’s a fake news source of this story.

You’re an idiot if you pay any attention to mainstream media. They are lying to you every minute of every day, and they don’t care what damage they do to this country. They are truly the enemy of the people and deserve all the bad karma they have earned.