Tag Archives: transgender

Gender Pretender Confirmed as NJ Cabinet Official.

The New Jersey Senate confirmed a man pretending to be a woman as the chair and CEO of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission last Tuesday. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved this man’s nomination without asking him a single question. Chris Myers now goes by the name Allison Myers. What a clown show New Jersey Democrats have orchestrated.

A man can cut off his dick, but he will never be a woman.
A man can cut off his dick, but
he will never be a woman.

In a related story, Rochelle Park fascists removed the mayor after he objected to flying the “gay pride” flag outside the town hall. His reasoning was that “A majority had agreed that as a township we would not put up any flags that singled out one group over another group.”

But fascists are not interested in equality. Fascists are only interested in getting their way, no matter what. They want you to accept their gender pretending mentally ill weirdos in government and in your kids’ schools. They want to groom your kids with their pedophilia. They will bully and cancel you if you disagree.

In another related story, New Jersey state sickos are suing three school districts that require parental notification if a mentally ill child wants to gender pretend in public schools.

The pedophile aligned perverts use the euphemism “gender transitioning” to describe this mental illness phenomenon. But, there is no such thing as changing one’s gender. Humans are born as either male or female, depending on whether one has a “Y chromosome” or not. Males have a Y chromosome, females do not.

Chromosomes are immutable, therefore there is no way to change one’s gender. If one decides to change one’s appearance, whether by changes to hair or dress, or by mutilating one’s genitalia, this is merely a superficial change, known as a phenotype, but has ZERO effect on one’s genetic makeup, or genotype. One’s genotype is the only determinant of one’s gender. Period. Anything else is a mental illness.

Gender pretenders are mentally ill perverts.
Gender pretenders are mentally ill perverts.

New Jersey public schools currently force all members of a public school community to indulge the delusion of gender pretender mental illness. Someone needs to sue the state of New Jersey over this mental abuse against us all. We are slaves to the gender pretender totalitarianism.

New Jersey Public Schools No Longer Believe in Two Genders or Science.

Humans have only two biological genders, male and female, the code for which is written into the very fabric of your DNA in every cell in your body. No matter what mental illness or sexual perversion you have, no matter how badly you mutilate your body with hormones and surgery, you will NEVER be able to change your gender. That’s a scientific fact.

However, the sick, twisted, leftist, science-hating, ignorant retards running your public schools have replaced science with mental illness. Take a look at the standard online application for employment used by many public schools in New Jersey.

WTF is gender X? WTF is gender X?

What the fuck is gender “X”?  THERE IS NO SUCH THING.  But in the creepy leftist mind who wants to groom your children into accepting mental illness and sexual perversion, this fantasy is real.  Worse yet, the New Jersey legislature has promulgated guidelines to force schools to buy in to the mental illness.  These people are sick.

New Jersey wants to hire mentally ill teachers with sick sexual perversions to force future generations of students to believe someone else’s delusion is normal and acceptable.  Absolutely sick.

Update 11/22/18: Take a look into what the pedophiles in charge have in store for your children.

“Trans” is Not a Gender, It’s a Mental Illness.

June has become known as (Gay) Pride Month.  Let your freak flag fly!

But let’s get one thing straight (pun intended): Trans is not a gender, it is a mental illness.

It may be the only mental illness in which the treatment is to convince the patients that their delusions are true and that their physical and biological realities are false.

Recently, there has even been a push to pass legislation to force the sane people of this country to acknowledge the warped reality of the trans- mentally ill.  Such madness must stop.

Westwood DPW Superintendent Rick Woods attaches the LGBT Pride flag to the front of Westwood borough hall to begin Pride month on Thursday, June 1, 2017.

Westwood DPW Superintendent Rick Woods attaches the LGBT Pride flag to the front of Westwood borough hall to begin Pride month on Thursday, June 1, 2017. (Photo: Danielle Parhizkaran/Northjersey.com)

An overwhelming majority of humans (ignoring rare defects) are born either male or female.  This is a biological fact established at the cellular level in one’s chromosomes.  This fact can never change, no matter how mentally ill one is.

Beyond the cellular level, more overt indicators of human gender exist, the genitalia being most significant.  Mutilating one’s genitalia will never convert one to a new gender, no matter how mentally ill one is.

A trans-woman will never mother a child as a woman can, and a trans-man will never father a child as a man can.  The misuse of science and technology to create these trans-creatures is just offensive science fiction.

While these trans-people may very well be gay, the “T” in LGBT needs its own separate honorary month: a mental illness month.  Get these people the help that they need, but don’t lump them in with perfectly sane gay folks and don’t try to change the sane world around the trans- to reinforce their delusions.

Trans Explanation.